Inside PR

Inside PR

Latest Episodes

Gini Dietrich wrote the book. So don't be surprised that she follows it in real life.
June 04, 2018

On this week's podcast, Gini Dietrich gives a textbook demonstration of how to start a podcast, we look at one important element of success in managing distributed workforces, and we look at the marketing and advertising hangover from the...

GDPR Last Call
May 20, 2018

We have lots to talk about on this week's Inside PR podcast. PRSA Counselors Academy Counselors Academy wrapped up in Toronto last week. And, if you missed it this year, Martin Waxman talks about some of his personal highlights - and tells you why you...

Are you really the product? Heck Yeah!
May 08, 2018

In the past two weeks, many people have jumped on the bandwagon launched by Will Oremus' article "Are You Really the Product? The history of a dangerous idea." In a nutshell, Oremus argues that the "If you're not paying for the product, you are the...

Do you feel better about news media and truth today than you did yesterday?
May 06, 2018

We often think back to where we were when we first heard about a life altering or world changing event. And as we do, we think about the emotions and thoughts that those events triggered. A White House Press Corps that falls over themselves to...

Going to the Mat[tresses]
April 30, 2018

What's the matter with mat stories? Quite a bit, in the absence of full disclosure, it appears. We talk about the different approaches to mat stories in the two largest providers in North America, NAPS in the United States and News Canada north of the...

Does your business belong on Reddit?
April 22, 2018

Should you use Reddit for your business communications? Will the Reddit community welcome you or even accept you? Mike Connell's recent article on the Spin Sucks blog launched this week's discussion. And we didn't need much prompting to talk about...

Seize the (Social Network) Power
April 10, 2018

We CAN change the balance of power between people and the social networks. But to do so, we need to be aware that it is our presence that makes social networks economically viable. And we need to look to government and public interest groups to...

Mark Zuckerberg's Year of Living Dangerously
April 03, 2018

Mark Zuckerberg is quiet no more. After a period of uncomfortable silence that saw Facebook savaged by privacy advocates and users like us, Zuckerberg gave a remarkable interview to Ezra Klein, suggesting a Facebook governance structure that would...

The Web is 29 and we still have hope
April 02, 2018

It's episode 500 of Inside PR. Thank you for listening to the first 500. And now,we're starting the next 500. Episode 1,000, here we come! This week we talk about positive steps by Twitter, Facebook and Netflix to promote authoritative news sources...

Algorithms are as neutral as the people who write them
March 11, 2018

Joseph Thornley, Gini Dietrich and Martin Waxman talk about the introduction of ethics into tech education, a move that's long overdue. Could ethics in Tech turn on the concept, Do no harm? Also: Facebook users are skewing older as younger people move...
