Inside PR

Inside PR

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There's no such thing as trolling for good
August 05, 2018

We have lots to talk about this week on Inside PR 517. First, a couple #IPRMustKnows, things worth noting and acting upon: WordPress is one more step closer to the full rollout of Project Gutenberg. This week, WordPress pushed out a maintenance update...

Is it time for Learning, Reconciliation and Forgiveness?
July 30, 2018

Gini Dietrich is back with us this week. And that's a good thing as we dig into the reactions to James Gunn's firing and the allegations against Les Moonves. Do the responses of the Guardians of the Galaxy cast and the CBS Films' President Terry Press...

Good judgment or an abandonment of principles?
July 24, 2018

Are some things just too sensitive to talk about? This week we consider examples of tough issues and crisis points. Is it wise to keep your powder dry and hold off communicating? To avoid feeding the beast? Or should a communicator always look for a...

Behind the scenes at and LinkedIn Learning
July 17, 2018

Online learning courses have become the main channel for many of us to pick up new skills and refresh our understanding of the latest developments and best practices in our current field of work. Have you wondered where the ideas for them comes from,...

It's about disclosure, stupid!
July 10, 2018

On this week's episode of the Inside PR podcast: The biggest change to WordPress in ten years; the Guardian decides good enough video really is good enough; and a teachable moment in marketing ethics. It's about disclosure, stupid!

A very Un-American Approach to Privacy?
July 02, 2018

Six weeks after GDPR came into force, it's clear that many companies haven't really got it right. And now, California has enacted the toughest privacy law in the United States. So, if you thought GDPR and privacy rights were in the rearview mirror,...

Reddit and Apple News fill the void left by Facebook
June 25, 2018

Serious news consumers have two interesting new news aggregators. We already know about the value of RSS feeds in a newsreader like Feedly. And a smart feed of news through Google News. Now two new promising sources of news from Apple and Reddit....

It's about seeing the people not just the data
June 20, 2018

Do you need another social network? Can an existing social network break out by jumping on the privacy bandwagon? Can it do it by advertising in the print version of the New York Times? We talk about MeWe. In her Internet Trends 2018 report, Mary...

Yes to more transparency and balance
June 11, 2018

Instagram released some information about how its algorithm determines what we see. Every individual has a unique feed. But all of us gain some insight from Instagram's disclosure. A praiseworthy step toward greater transparency is how the social...

First she wrote the book. Now Gini Dietrich has a text book launch for her podcast.
June 04, 2018

On this week, Gini Dietrich gives a textbook demonstration of how to start a podcast, we look at one important element of success in managing distributed workforces, and we look at the marketing and advertising hangover from the implementation of...
