Inside PR

Inside PR

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March 05, 2018

We talk about news on Snapchat and Facebook's Hard Questions, a series of linkworthy posts on Facebook's blog. Nuff said.

Who will give us the tools we need to take control over our personal privacy and data?
February 11, 2018

This week, we keep the focus on Facebook and its algorithms. As long as two thirds of us are using the platform, it is important. We start our discussion with Matthew Ingram's recent Columbia Journalism Review article, Facebook's latest changes will...

News of Facebook. Payola PR. Accountability and Responsibility
February 05, 2018

We take a further look at Facebook's shifting treatment of news that appears in our newsfeeds. The problem: Facebook has become the dominant news distribution platform. However, the algorithms have had a nasty propensity to elevate what has been...

Facebook drops news from the Newsfeed. Now what?
January 22, 2018

Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook's solution for fake news is to remove news from the newsfeed. We talk about the implications of this for news outlets, PR people and Facebook users themselves. While it will take some time for this...

Creativity and Long Bike Rides by the Lake
January 16, 2018

A recent post by Gini Dietrich on Digital Distraction and Creativity provides our jumping off point this week. We talk about he importance of times when our minds are "in neutral" for creative thinking and serendipitous inspiration. For Gini, it's...

Return of the Ink-Stained Wretches?
January 07, 2018

This week's conversation was sparked by a comment from Monica Miller, who wonders how the flow of sponsored content and content originated by companies and published by communicators affects media credibility. This leads us to a discussion of the...

Will AI take over my job in 2018?
January 01, 2018

Artificial intelligence was a hot topic among communicators in 2017 and it's something to continue watching and exploring in 2018. Clearly, it will have an impact on the nature of the work we perform. It will destroy many existing jobs, especially...

To Bot or not to Bot
December 27, 2017

This week, Martin Waxman interviews Fatima Zaida about the chatbot a couple of Toronto-based firms created for TIFF, the Toronto International Film Festival. This led to a partnership with TIFF. Smart marketing for the firms involved. A good way to...

When apologies aren't good enough
December 18, 2017

Gini Dietrich, Martin Waxman and Joseph Thornley kick around two topics on this week's Inside PR podcast. • Can Snapchat be fixed? It is a great service with the right set of users, but just a terrible user interface? Or do its problems runs deeper?...

People before Platforms
December 11, 2017

We talked to one another for 42 minutes to plan the podcast before we started to record. At the end, we've decided to take the pressure off by saying that this is a recording that is not remarkable. Just three friends, three communications...
