IFT Sci Dish

IFT Sci Dish

Latest Episodes

Episode 5: Flavor is Key: What you should know about flavors and their importance in launching new foods and beverages
June 09, 2021

How do you create apple pie flavoring when everyone has their own memory of their favorite apple pie? This episode’s guests will help! Dave Franz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at FlavorSum, and Lisa Jackson, Director of Marketing,

Episode 3: The Fuzzy Front End of Product Development
May 14, 2021

How human connection drives trends. Where do businesses start when they want to develop a new product and how do you know this product will be a hit with consumers? This episode dives into the difficulties that occur at the beginning of product develop...

Episode 4: Consumers Don’t Want to Change, So Why Are They?
May 12, 2021

With up to 40,000 products in a grocery store, many consumers are on auto–pilot when deciding what products to buy. Most management consultants would say their greatest challenges are the ones that involve change management.

Episode 2: The Changing World of Nutrition
April 06, 2021

The importance of pivoting and how the covid-19 pandemic is helping create a more equitable food system The Covid-19 global pandemic has changed everything, and the food system is no different. In this episode,

Episode 1: Strategies to Communicate the Value of Sensory Science
March 31, 2021

How integrating sensory science in the collaborative process contributes to product success. As many companies are often looking for a competitive advantage to improve product success, it is critical that sensory scientists become an integrated part of...
