IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Oceans So Wide, A U.S. Navy So Small 2.17.12
February 21, 2012

Defense: The new Obama budget does little to restore American sea power, which has reached lows not seen for almost a century. Who's noticing? You can bet that Beijing is. Go to the website of the Obama administration's Office of Management and Budget, a

Obama Likes High Gasoline Prices, But Won't Admit It 2.16.12
February 16, 2012

Energy Policy: If gasoline prices so far are any indication, the pain at the pump will be severe this year. But if you think President Obama cares, you're wrong. If anything, he's secretly cheering it on. Already, average pump prices have topped $3.50 a

Will Green-Energy Scandal Hurt Obama Chances In 2012? 2.16.12
February 16, 2012

Crony Capitalism: With the election still more than eight months away, is it too soon to ask if the president can be re-elected with the green baggage piling up around him? Right now, that pile is deep — and getting deeper. Obama's green energy scandal

Obama's Phony Fannie Reform 2.16.12
February 16, 2012

Housing Policy: The White House is taking Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the wrong direction. Instead of reforming the toxic mortgage twins, it's broadening their role. Even as taxpayer losses from the failed mortgage giants mount, the administration has

Hot Rods From Hell: Iran Makes Its Own Nuclear Fuel 2.16.12
February 16, 2012

Nuclear Proliferation: Iran loads a reactor with its first domestically produced nuclear fuel rods and announces a new high-speed centrifuge to enrich uranium. Before we kick the can again, we may be running out of road. Iran began loading domestically m

GOP Trades Principle For Politics With Tax Deal 2.15.12
February 15, 2012

Tax Deal: Republicans are being lauded for their political savvy in agreeing to extend the payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for another year without paying for it. Well, it may be good politics, but it's bad on principle. If there's one thing pundits

Komen Funding Flap Exposes Planned Parenthood's Lie 2.3.12
February 04, 2012

Charity: On the surface, the Komen Foundation's reversal of its Planned Parenthood grant cut-off shows the left's power to enforce conformity. What it really reveals is that Planned Parenthood doesn't need taxpayer support. When the Susan G. Komen for th

As Obama Crows, Real Story Is 10.5 Mil Jobs Deficit 2.3.12
February 04, 2012

Jobs: Of course it's good news that 243,000 new jobs were created in January, shaving the unemployment rate to 8.3%. But thanks to massive policy errors by the White House, we're still way below where we should be. President Obama, speaking in Arlington,

Obama’s Rhetoric Vs. Reality On Capital Gains 2.3.12
February 04, 2012

Taxes: President Obama's campaign to soak rich investors is already getting complicated. His small-business breaks would benefit those he says are paying less than a fair share. The State of the Union speech is fast fading into history, but one of its th

White House More Worried About Israel Than Nuclear Iran 2.3.12
February 03, 2012

Nuclear Terror: The administration claims economic sanctions are working in preventing Iran from making a nuclear weapon. Why, then, is Tehran apparently assembling a missile that can reach the U.S.? To carry TNT? President Obama has described the waves