IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Revenue Falls When Wealthy British Pay Their "Fair Share"" 2.23.12
February 23, 2012

Tax Policy: The British government introduced a higher tax rate on the rich in 2010, promising that it would bring in added revenue. But, as any sensible person could have guessed, just the opposite has happened. Gordon Brown's Labour Party government la

Oil Execs Say Obama Lead Us To "Energy Abyss" 2.23.12
February 23, 2012

Energy: Industry leaders gathered in Houston say rising fuel output comes in spite of, not because of, the president's policies and the pain at the pump will soon be excruciating. Energy executives and other industry players gathered for the North Americ

Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills 2.23.12
February 23, 2012

Fannie And Freddie: Key players in the subprime bubble continue to run up bills for the taxpayers. The latest outrage is a $100 million-plus tab for defending executives in fraud cases. Say what you will about the big banks and the wisdom of propping the

Greece's Bailout Socialism Penalizes Youth Most 2.21.12
February 22, 2012

Socialism: Rational or not, Greece's street riots and emigration rates signify one thing: Socialism offers very little to the young. So why is the EU's $172 billion bailout geared toward saving so much of the failed socialist system? As Europe prepares t

GM Takeover Gives Romney Golden Opportunity In Debate 2.21.12
February 22, 2012

Election '12: As the Michigan primary nears, Mitt Romney is being sneered at for opposing Washington's "successful" bailout of Detroit. Wednesday night's debate gives him a golden chance to explain why he was right. The establishment media have been echo

Science Doesn't Find Fracking A Drinking-Water Danger 2.21.12
February 22, 2012

Energy: The left thought it found in fracking the leverage it could use to further hinder domestic oil and gas production. But fracking isn't an environmental cataclysm. An independent university report confirms this. Fear of fracking, a process used to

Obama's Double Talk on Sky-High Gas Prices 2.21.12
February 22, 2012

Energy: When gas prices hit $4 a gallon in 2008, candidate Barack Obama said it was due to previous failed energy policies. Now that prices are heading still higher, President Obama calls it progress. Already, pump prices are higher than they've been in

High Real Unemployment Data Reflect Poorly On Obama 2.17.12
February 21, 2012

Economy: The media machine that desperately wants Barack Obama re-elected has turned its focus on what it says are good unemployment numbers. The truth, though, is the job climate in America is miserable. While the media and the administration portray th

It Isn't Just Catholics Mad About ObamaCare Mandate 2.17.12
February 21, 2012

First Amendment: This week, two non-Catholic Christian colleges are proving that Obama-Care's contraception-sterilization requirement isn't just a Catholic concern. They are suing for their religious freedoms, too. Louisiana College, a private higher-edu

Pelosi, Boxer and Judas — Obama Lied At Notre Dame 2.17.12
February 21, 2012

Rights: The House Minority Leader says self-insurance is no protection against the government's contraceptive mandate, while California's junior senator says people have a right to be insured but no right to practice their faith. Lost in the phony "compr