IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Obama To Iran Green Revolution Dissidents: Drop Dead 2.28.12
February 29, 2012

Mideast: During their brutally suppressed protests in 2009, Iranian freedom fighters sent the White House an urgent memo calling for help. Under Obama, America ignored it. 'So now, at this pivotal point in time, it is up to the countries of the free worl

A Nobel Peace Prize For Bradley Manning? Absurd 2.28.12
February 29, 2012

Madness: Bradley Manning, the Army private who allegedly leaked sensitive U.S. government information, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. If the award hadn't already become a joke, we'd be offended. It really doesn't take much to be nominated

Chicago's Cardinal Warns Of An ObamaCare Gulag 2.28.12
February 29, 2012

First Amendment: The ex-head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops compares the administration take on freedom of worship to the Soviet Union's and says its contraceptive mandate will force church hospitals to close. On the first Sunday of Lent, Chi

Oil King Hugo Chavez Will Leave Venezuela In Chaos 2.28.12
February 29, 2012

Americas: Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez may be on his last legs, as news of his hasty flight to Cuba for more cancer surgery suggests. While welcome here, his exit may mean chaos ahead for a top U.S. oil supplier. The apparent metastasizing of Chavez's

Spiking Gasoline Prices Causing Real Pain For The 99% 2.27.12
February 27, 2012

Prices And Politics: Most of the 99% feel real pain when they pay $4 a gallon at the pump. But the more fortunate just tell them to move or buy a Prius. Gee, thanks for the advice. Nothing quite divides the elites from regular working folks like a spike

Rep. Nunes Turns On California Spigot 2.27.12
February 27, 2012

Politics: Is sanity finally coming to California's Central Valley? America's breadbasket has long been victim of capricious water cutoffs to "save" the environment. A bill in Congress puts an end to this man-made drought. It should pass. Rep. Devin Nunes

Is The F-35 Strike Fighter The Military Chevy Volt? 2.27.12
February 27, 2012

Defense: Pilots who arrived a year ago to train on the fighter of the future are still waiting as safety concerns, cost overruns and questions about the whole program's feasibility mount. The F-35 is meant to be America's next-generation fighter, the hei

Do Not Reward Taliban Treachery 2.27.12
February 27, 2012

War On Terror: As the Taliban assassinate U.S. military officers and poison troop chow in Afghanistan, the president secretly plans the release of Taliban prisoners from Gitmo. Whose side is this commander in chief on? Just days before members of the Tal

5 Biggest Whoppers In Obama's Energy Speech 2.23.12
February 23, 2012

Energy: The White House billed President Obama's energy policy speech as a response to mounting criticism of record high gas prices. What he delivered was a grab bag of excuses and outright falsehoods. Obama's main message to struggling motorists was: It

Growing Solyndra Green Scandal Is Just One of Many" 2.23.12
February 23, 2012

Corruption: Outrageous bonuses and White House stonewalling guarantee that the Solyndra scandal, in which betting on green lost taxpayers $535 million, won't go away. But Solyndra is no isolated failure. gjngWith 24 million Americans either without any j