IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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U.N. Seeks Sweeping Power To Control Food, Water 3.2.12
March 03, 2012

Resources: A new report suggests the United Nations take control of the world's food and water. We'd write this off as a joke except the Obama administration seems to like the idea of global government. Putting life's essentials under the direct control

Obama's 'Trust' In Americans Doesn’t Include Health Care 3.2.12
March 03, 2012

Medicare: President Obama routinely says he trusts the American people. But when push comes to shove, he always puts his faith in Washington bureaucrats. Case in point is the battle over how to control Medicare costs. Last Wednesday, a House subcommittee

Unions Detest Them, But Teacher Ratings Here To Stay 3.1.12
March 02, 2012

Education: Unions rail against releasing performance data on teachers, but the trend in reform is not on their side. Ability can be measured, and parents should know the results. What makes a good teacher, seniority and credentials or the ability to impa

Obama's Green Energy Failures Continue To Abound 3.1.12
March 02, 2012

Green Energy: Another stimulus-backed solar panel maker, one the president touted in a weekly radio address, lays off most of its workers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. President Obama is the Little

Andrew Breitbart's Death Leaves An Unfillable Void 3.1.12
March 02, 2012

Passion For Truth: The sudden death of journalist-activist-media entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart is a huge blow to the American conservative movement. The truth has lost one of its most zealous guardians. News of Breitbart's death hit us like a punch to th

The Scourge Of Government 'Affordability' 3.1.12
March 02, 2012

Regulation: Every time government tries to make something more "affordable" for consumers, it makes it more unaffordable. Soaring college tuition is just the latest example. After creating housing and medical bubbles in the name of "affordability," Washi

Pakistan, India May Reap Peace From Free Trade Deal 2.29.12
March 01, 2012

Free Trade: Is an end to the nonstop conflict between India and Pakistan in sight? A big free-trade agreement between the two Asian giants by the end of the year might just be the peace tonic both countries need. It was Frederic de Bastiat, the great Fre

Soccer For Jihadists, Higher Premiums For Troops 2.29.12
March 01, 2012

Priorities: Veterans of the war on terror will be rewarded with higher insurance premiums that favored unions are exempt from. Obama-Care must be served, after all, and that soccer field for Gitmo detainees must be paid for. For the soldiers who served i

Mad About High Gas Prices? Then Chu On This 2.29.12
March 01, 2012

Gasoline: As pump prices hit $4 a gallon, Energy Secretary Steven Chu admits the administration has no interest in bringing them down. Is it any wonder Democrats are growing increasingly agitated with this White House? At a hearing this week, Rep. Alan N

Bernanke Fed's Ease: Insurance Against Incompetence? 2.29.12
March 01, 2012

Economy: Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke strongly hinted he'll keep monetary policy easy, despite 3% economic growth in 2011's fourth quarter. Does he know something that we don't about this economy? As we've noted, it's very suspicious the nation's top centra