IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Greedy Unions Raid Pensions, Then Blame Wall Street 3.7.12
March 08, 2012

Politics: Reports from a variety of media reveal California state employees are spiking their pensions to stratospheric levels, leaving nothing for their brother employees. Sorry, can't blame Wall Street for this one. In a laudable instance of the mainst

Syrian Freedom Fighters Find They Can't Depend On U.S. 3.7.12
March 08, 2012

Mideast: Syria's terror-spreading Bashar Assad is staying put, using "heavier and heavier weapons on his people," according to the U.S. military. Now Syrian freedom fighters, like Iran's, know they can't depend on America. Forces of President Assad's ter

Obama To Give Missile Secrets To Russia With Love? 3.7.12
March 08, 2012

Security: A deputy defense secretary tells Congress that the administration is indeed considering giving Moscow sensitive Aegis ballistic missile defense data. We've gone from "trust but verify" to "appease and surrender." Brad Roberts testified before a

China Rushes To Fill America's Military Vacuum 3.6.12
March 06, 2012

Defense: Beijing announces another double-digit jump in military spending as the U.S. disarms and sacrifices its defense budget on the altar of entitlement spending. We have many duties; the Chinese have but one target. China announced this week that its

Watchdog Press Yawns Over Obama Socialist Ties 3.6.12
March 06, 2012

Journalism: The president's Rolodex of radicals has grown even fatter after bloggers revealed fresh details about his earlier ties to socialists. Yet the major media continue to keep a lid on it. Last month, a former Marxist professor recounted a politic

ObamaCare's Illegality Lost In Fluke, Limbaugh Flap 3.6.12
March 06, 2012

Politics: President Obama is in deep trouble. To enforce ObamaCare, he's gotten into a war on freedom of conscience and a confrontation with the Catholic Church. So now he's trying to make it all about something a radio host said. The controversy surroun

Obama's 'Casualness' Lets Iran Nuclear Threat Fester 3.6.12
March 06, 2012

National Security: President Obama criticizes Republican candidates for their "casualness" in urging force to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. But who's really been "casual" about Tehran's threat? Iran sure knows how to play the American fiddle.

Veteran Families Should Cry to Obama, Not Romney 3.6.12
March 06, 2012

Election '12: Mitt Romney last weekend was faced with emotional cries for help from veterans' families. Their frustrations should be directed at the president who is shortchanging vets and gutting our defenses. 'You say you won't cut benefits for any of

Obama's Answer For High Gas Prices Is Class Warfare 3.2.12
March 03, 2012

Energy: President Obama's election-year prescription to accelerate steeply higher energy prices is to add billions of dollars to the oil companies' tax bills. Expensive gasoline fits the Obama political template. 'Every time you fill up the gas tank, the

ObamaCare Is Designed To End Private Insurers 3.2.12
March 03, 2012

Government: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says that private health insurance providers are in a "death spiral." Of course they are. Isn't that the way the authors of ObamaCare planned it? Testifying last Wednesday in front of the
