IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Dim Bulbs At The Department Of Energy 3.9.12
March 10, 2012

Energy: As gas prices hit $3.79 (and $4.20 in California), Energy Secretary Steven Chu admits he doesn't own a car. Seems he doesn't own any lights either, since he just gave a $10 million "affordability prize" for a $50 bulb. Chu says the prize — awar

Obama's Energy Policy Is Running on Empty 3.9.12
March 10, 2012

Leadership: President Obama may think gasoline is the "fuel of the past," but for families facing record prices, it's very much a today thing. Unfortunately for them, Obama has no credible ideas for getting prices down tomorrow. As gas prices continue to

Obama Turns Keystone Pipe Dream To Nightmare 3.9.12
March 10, 2012

Energy Policy: After presidential lobbying, the Senate fell four votes short of taking a giant step toward energy independence as gas prices and unemployment rise. In the White House, everything is going according to plan. The 56-42 vote defeated a propo

The Harvard Hug: What Else Are Media Hiding? 3.9.12
March 10, 2012

Bias: We were wrong. The media elite did in fact vet this president, but they covered up what they found. And now that citizen journalists are digging it up, they're trying to rebury it. Exhibit A is the controversial video of Barack Obama praising and h

Derrick Bell: The Jeremiah Wright Of Harvard 3.8.12
March 09, 2012

Presidential Vetting: Obama's days at Harvard have been shrouded in secrecy. But a new video lifts a corner of the veil, revealing his creepy embrace of the "Jeremiah Wright of academia." It turns out his favorite law professor was the late Derrick Bell,

Constitution Flouted On War If Panetta Testimony To Congress Says Anything 3.8.12
March 09, 2012

Politics: Does the Constitution matter in executive decisions to go to war, or is the U.S. military just the president's plaything, subject to his getting U.N. "permission" to use it? Unsettling testimony this week suggested the latter. As a revolt in Sy

Income Inequality Myths Of Left Exposed Once Again 3.8.12
March 09, 2012

Economy: The president's strategy this election year is to divide the supposedly battered 99% from the evil, super-rich 1% doing the battering. But reports of America's income inequality are greatly exaggerated. That financial "inequality" gets treated a

White House Attack Dog Targets Limbaugh Sponsors 3.8.12
March 09, 2012

Censorship: The pressure on Rush Limbaugh's advertisers is from a group that meets regularly with the White House and runs an Obama Super-PAC funded by unions. The group Media Matters acts like a lobbyist but is not registered as one. It operates in the

Obama Energy Hypocrisy: What's It All About, Algae? 3.8.12
March 09, 2012

Energy: At a plant that makes natural-gas-powered trucks, the president proposes still more alternative-energy subsidies. The privately developed technology that lowered the price of natural gas can lower gasoline prices too. It was a tad surreal to see

Romney's Wealth Helps Him Make His Case For Top Job 3.7.12
March 08, 2012

Wealth And Politics: The GOP front-runner's money is a sign of his success and competence. Do voters really want another president who has earned and accomplished little? After another good-but-not-great night on Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney faces more har