IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Food Gestapo Seek A Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, Sugar 2.3.12
February 03, 2012

Nanny State: The food police who've targeted everything from salt to Happy Meals now set their sights on regulating sugar as a controlled substance to fight obesity. The fat we should fear most, though, is overweight government. The pursuit of happiness,

Groundhog Day: Holder Repeats Fast And Furious Lies 2.2.12
February 02, 2012

Scandal: In a shameful performance, the attorney general Thursday reprised his tap-dancing routine before a panel investigating the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation that got U.S. agents and Mexicans killed. 'It's Groundhog Day, and Brian Terry's fam

Obama's Green Energy Investments Continue to Fail 2.2.12
February 02, 2012

Industrial Policy: In recent days we learned sales of the Volt and Leaf cratered, President Obama's failed green jobs program is under investigation, and another "clean energy" company's in trouble. Green is the new red. Each week, it seems, brings fresh

Gospels Contradict Obama's Idea Of A Socialist Jesus 2.2.12
February 02, 2012

Church And State: President Obama has taken a very powerful name in vain in defense of his class warfare economic policies. In fact, Obama encourages a sin Jesus Christ repeatedly admonished: envy. Attending the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Pre

Has U.S. Come Full Circle In Afghanistan? 2.2.12
February 02, 2012

War on Terror: The Taliban is poised to retake Afghanistan under the administration's cut-and-run policies. Instead of burying this dangerous enemy, it's repeating the mistakes that led up to 9/11. In fact, Washington is steadily retreating full circle b

Obama Complicates Mortgage Process 2.1.12
February 02, 2012

Rules: In a "Twilight Zone" moment, the president suggests Republicans oppose his financial overhaul because they detest simplicity. Nothing's more complex than Dodd-Frank. In a speech proposing his so-called Homeowners Bill of Rights, Obama held up a si

Catholic Bishops Reject Obama’s Surrender Terms 2.1.12
February 02, 2012

1st Amendment: Catholic bishops on Sunday issued a response to ObamaCare's mandates on providing contraception in violation of conscience and religious freedom. The message was simple: We will not comply. It was hardly a profile in courage when the Obama

Unions Use Intimidation Tactics To Get Members 2.1.12
February 02, 2012

Intimidation: Union membership in the private sector has been in a long decline. Big Labor bosses are naturally desperate. What standards of decency will they violate next to reverse the slide? Representing the union bosses within the federal government

Obamanomics Has Gov't Workers Happy, Others Miserable 1.31.12
January 31, 2012

Economy: The media's "improving economy" this election year exists only in Democrats' talking points. A new congressional report shows that joblessness is underestimated, while debt skyrockets. Thirty-six pages into the Congressional Budget Office's "Bud

Congress Warns Holder Over Acorn Payola 1.31.12
January 31, 2012

Oversight: Thanks to IBD, Congress is finally probing the administration's shakedown of banks over alleged "lending discrimination." At issue is backdoor funding of Acorn clones. Last week, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith fired off a three