IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Loan Danger Zone 9.22.11
September 23, 2011

Moral Hazard: The Solyndra scandal shows this White House is unprincipled. Still, it's providing another public service. It confirms that government loans create an environment of corruption. Top executives from the California solar energy company will t

The Fed's New 'Operation' Is Twisted 9.21.11
September 22, 2011

Economy: Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is reaching back 50 years for a "trick" to get the economy moving, but it won't work. Our problem today isn't monetary policy. It's government meddling. The idea is simple: The Fed holds $1.7 trillion in Treasury debt.

Thugs At The Trough 9.21.11
September 22, 2011

Public Unions: President Obama told Illinois manufacturers last year, "At a certain point, I do think you've made enough money." Somehow that hectoring never reached his 23 union-boss allies now draining Illinois' public coffers. In a perfect piggy case

Blinded By Green Light 9.21.11
September 22, 2011

Leadership: The administration is bent on finalizing as many as 15 loan guarantees for green energy ventures before the stimulus deadline. How detached from reality can this White House be? The administration is separated from the real world on two level

Solyndra Takes The Fifth 9.21.11
September 22, 2011

Scandal: Two top executives of the bankrupt solar panel firm will refuse to answer questions about possible fraud and the waste of taxpayer dollars. Unlike oil execs, they and the administration have much to hide. There's a delicious irony in the news th

Suit: Saudi Gov't Sponsored 9/11 9.21.11
September 22, 2011

Justice: A new 9/11 lawsuit portrays the Saudi government as having more control over al-Qaida charities before the attacks than it (or the U.S.) has admitted. Let's hear the truth. Lloyds of London seeks $215 million in damages from the kingdom to recov

Editorial: U.S. 'Fail Mail' Needs Reform 9.20.11
September 21, 2011

Postal Politics: If the U.S. Postal Service were a regular business, it would be filing for bankruptcy protection about now. So why not let it do just that? You'll have to ask the unions for an answer to that one. Article I of the Constitution says Congr

Saving State Gov't 9.20.11
September 21, 2011

Leadership: Reformist Governors Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Mitch Daniels of Indiana both fixed their state budgets by committing the taboo of restricting collective bargaining. Their boldness is paying off. The Manhattan Institute on Tuesday brought b

The Administration's Tangled Web 9.20.11
September 20, 2011

Scandals: A gun dealer's tape shows a possible coverup of a third gun found at the scene of a murdered border patrol agent. Meanwhile, a second congressional witness reports coaching of testimony on a donor's project. That giant sucking sound you hear is

Was Solyndra's Fall China's Fault? 9.20.11
September 20, 2011

Politics: Trade is a favorite scapegoat whenever jobs are lost. That's why Congress is holding free trade hostage to a porky program that would give more aid to displaced workers. Solyndra's failure shows why it's a bad idea. IBD's Sean Higgins reported