IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Editorial: Obama's $1.5 Trillion Election Ploy 9.19.11
September 19, 2011

Tax Hikes: President Obama's $1.5 trillion tax increase on job creators is a dead-on-arrival campaign ploy. He himself said two years ago that such taxes during a recession would only "put businesses in a further hole." 'This is not class warfare," Presi

Dumb And Dumber 9.19.11
September 19, 2011

Legislation: Over the weekend, President Obama encouraged everyone to read his jobs proposal and judge it for themselves. We took him up on his offer, and found five more reasons to kill the bill. We've noted how Obama's so-called jobs bill is an expensi

A Terror State On Israel's Border? 9.19.11
September 19, 2011

United Nations: The planned vote on statehood for the Palestinians is more than just a bad diplomatic move. Though likely to be vetoed, it's an epic disaster for Israel, the U.S. and what remains of the West. The proposal that will be put forward in the

By The Way, We Teach A Little Too 9.19.11
September 19, 2011

Higher Ed: It's time for a tuition revolt, and higher taxes aren't the answer. Students and the rest of the public are now paying for decades of mission creep and bureaucratic bloat. The regents of the University of California met this past week to revis

Corruption Squared 9.19.11
September 19, 2011

Scandal: The Air Force's Space Command chief was pressured to alter testimony about the danger of a wireless project developed by a Democratic donor's company. Are lives as well as money being put at risk? Crony capitalism, which has been rampant in Pres

The U.S. Bails Out A Profligate EU 9.16.11
September 16, 2011

Bailouts: Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was dispensing advice in Europe Friday as the Fed began printing massive amounts of money to bail out the EU. Our government seems more worried about Europe than the U.S. With Europe on the verge of another finan

AttackWatch Twits 9.16.11
September 16, 2011

Election '12: You know a presidential campaign is going south when its detractors have more fun with its website than do its fans. That's the case with AttackWatch.com, the Obama site that's making him a parody. According to the logic of AttackWatch.com

The Spreading Green Jobs Scam 9.16.11
September 16, 2011

Boondoggles: With a minimum of five green firms going bankrupt, taxpayers find themselves on the hook for at least one possibly illegal loan while paying ghastly sums for each green job created. We've been sunburned. As solar panel manufacturer Solyndra

A Successful Fraud 9.16.11
September 16, 2011

Climate Change: Global warm-mongers say they can't name a single scientist who doesn't agree with them. Well, here's one: Nobel laureate Ivan Giaever, who just left a scientific society because he believes the debate isn't over. We keep hearing from Al G

Editorial: A Jobs Plan To Create Real Jobs 9.15.11
September 15, 2011

Recovery: Countering the president's demand that Congress "pass this jobs plan right away," House Speaker John Boehner described a pro-growth GOP jobs strategy. The big difference: This strategy will produce jobs. Speaking at an appropriate venue — the