IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Editorial: Who Says Herman Cain Is Unelectable? 9.26.11
September 26, 2011

2012 Election: The various attempts to explain away Herman Cain's victory in the weekend's Florida straw poll all stem from the same underlying assumption: The guy is unelectable. Really? Based on what? One political blogger summed up the general reactio

Believing The Big Lie 9.26.11
September 26, 2011

Misplaced Blame: The Democrats are setting up the Republicans to be the party responsible for a federal shutdown, should one occur. Of course the media will go along for the ride, just as in 1995 and 1996. In the fall of 1995, the GOP Congress passed a c

Bibi The Peacemonger 9.26.11
September 26, 2011

Mideast: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks direct, unconditional talks with the Palestinians, while movingly making the case for Israel's security. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas chooses bloodshed. Militant Arabs seem to believe in reg

Wind Power's Political Payoff 9.26.11
September 26, 2011

Scandal: Our ever-campaigning president heads off to a fundraiser held by a politically connected businessman whose company took a $100 million stimulus tax credit. Solyndra didn't stop pay-for-play the "Chicago Way." Tone-deaf somehow does not seem adeq

Memo To GOP: The Foe Is Obama, Not Perry 9.23.11
September 24, 2011

Politics: Despite the "gotcha" sniping at Thursday's debate, Republicans need to keep their eyes on the prize. The target for 2012 is not Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Romney or Perry. It's the current White House occupant. Texas Gov. Rick Perry must have fe

Shutdown For What? 9.23.11
September 24, 2011

Budget: If Senate Democrats hope to pin a government shutdown on Republicans, they've picked a pretty lousy hostage — a Bush-era "green" program that's benefiting two boutique, luxury-car makers. On Friday, the House narrowly approved a stop-gap fundin

Bill Clinton, Home Wrecker 9.23.11
September 24, 2011

Subprime Scandal: Bill Clinton has summoned the media to listen to his take on the never-ending financial crisis. But the man who is now portrayed as an oracle was in fact its chief architect. In an interview for his annual Clinton Global Initiative meet

Fast Trains Sound Nice, But Who Will Ride? 9.23.11
September 24, 2011

Boondoggles: How can we tell if Congress is serious about reining in spending? A clear-cut, permanent defunding of high-speed rail would be one sign. But the pipe dream won't quite die. Sometime soon — or so we'd like to think — the fast-train fad wi

Editorial: We're Sinking Under Obama's Policies 9.22.11
September 23, 2011

Economy: The head-scratching continues as stocks take another leg down. Why, they ask, must the market be so negative? With an economy buckling under leftist incompetence, what, we ask, is there to be positive about? Funny, because it's been going on for

Drill, Cuba, Drill 9.22.11
September 23, 2011

Energy Policy: Deep-water drilling will resume in the Florida Strait when a giant, semi-submersible oil rig en route from Singapore arrives later this fall. The bad news is it will not be American. While U.S. oil and energy prices "necessarily skyrocket,