IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Newt's New Contract 9.29.11
September 30, 2011

Election '12: In 1994, Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America" gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives. Can his new, bolder contract revive his presidential hopes? Compare former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's "21st Century Contract With

A Muslim President, After All 9.29.11
September 30, 2011

Election 2012: Hispanics, blacks and others among President Obama’s base may be abandoning him, but Muslims are holding fast. Apparently, theirs is a special bond born of shared interests. When Barack Hussein Obama first stepped into office in January

More 'Green' For Donor Energy 9.29.11
September 30, 2011

Solargate: Despite Solyndra, the administration shovels another billion out the door before the deadline as the lists of politically connected companies feeding at the public trough expands. Seems the sun also corrupts. Follow the money, it has been said

Cain's 'Chilean Model' 9.29.11
September 30, 2011

Election '12: Herman Cain's victory in Florida's straw poll is notable, among other things, for his advocacy of "Chilean Model" Social Security reform in a state filled with retirees. It ought to be a wake-up call to all candidates. Aside from the insta-

Combatting Child Poverty 9.29.11
September 30, 2011

Family: Census data now show that a quarter of young children in America are mired in poverty. The media won't report on — and the president won't lead on — its root cause: an epidemic of illegitimacy. The University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institu

Leave It To The Locals? 9.27.11
September 27, 2011

Education: With "No Child Left Behind" winding down, states now have the tools of school reform. But they need to show they're serious about using them, even if the teacher unions squeal. It was just short of 10 years ago that President Bush signed the b

Editorial: Despite ObamaCare, Costs Continue To Soar 9.27.11
September 27, 2011

Health Care: Until now, many of the fears about ObamaCare have been theoretical. But this year's 9% spike in premiums is concrete evidence of the substantial harm it's already doing to our health care system. As soon as the Kaiser Family Foundation's ann

Running Up The Bill 9.27.11
September 27, 2011

Unnecessary Expense: More than four in 10 U.S. doctors believe that patients get too much health care. Maybe this extra treatment, not selfish physicians, is why medicine costs so much in this country. A poll of primary care physicians found that 42% are

Gunrunner: Cash For Cartels 9.27.11
September 27, 2011

Scandal: New documents reveal the Department of Justice lied to Congress and show how U.S. officials bought guns with tax dollars and then made sure no one stopped their transfer to Mexican drug cartels. The funneling of thousands of American guns into t

Getting Taxes All Wrong 9.27.11
September 27, 2011

Fiscal Policy: The president seems confused, to put it politely, about the role taxes play in the economy. Unfortunately, Americans are paying a price for his lack of knowledge. Speaking to potential donors in liberal, high-tech Mountain View, Calif., Pr