IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Bringing A Flat Tax To The Table. 10.20.11
October 21, 2011

Tax Reform: His campaign flagging, GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry is about to unveil what he hopes will be a game-changer: a flat tax. Whether it works for him or not, we're glad to see this bold idea part of the mix. We like Herman Cain a lot. Bu

But Seriously ... 10.20.11
October 21, 2011

Protest And Politicians: Left-leaning local officials have embraced the Occupy (Your Town Here) movement. But their taxpaying constituents may soon start having other ideas. The story of Occupy Wall Street and its spinoffs continues to evolve, and not to

Gadhafi: Who'll Replace The Devil We Knew? 10.20.11
October 21, 2011

U.S. Interests: Dictator Moammar Gadhafi finally met his bloody end at a rathole Thursday, and Libyan crowds celebrated. President Obama praised the rebels, proclaiming: "You have won your revolution." Not so fast. If there is one thing that we ought to

Dems Get It Exactly Wrong On Jobs 10.19.11
October 20, 2011

Leadership: Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid thinks the private sector is "doing just fine" and that it's government that needs help. Now we see what the Democrats' priority is: big government, not people. Responding Wednesday from the Senate floor to a q

Cordray Can Wait 10.19.11
October 20, 2011

Regulation: The president is sore Republicans are blocking his nod to head his bank watchdog agency. Let him stew. The powerful post is ripe for abuse and screams for opposition. Richard Cordray is the man on the hot seat. Obama tapped him to run the Con

Chavez's Dirtiest Trick Yet 10.19.11
October 20, 2011

Elections: If there's any better proof that Venezuela's Hugo Chavez can't win an election fairly, it's in his Supreme Court's sorry bid to disqualify a promising opponent this week. Why anyone would want to run for president in a democracy as corrupt as

Ron Paul's Really Good Idea 10.19.11
October 20, 2011

Election '12: The isolationism of Ron Paul hurts his chances to be seriously considered for the presidency. But on cutting domestic spending he outshines his rivals. No wonder the media won't take him seriously. 'I want to hear somebody up here willing t

Krugman's Not-So-Excellent Adventure 10.19.11
October 20, 2011

Keynesianism: A Page 1 article Monday about the "Myth Of Austerity" got harsh reactions from two liberal economists. But in trashing IBD, they exposed the weakness of their claim that more spending will grow the economy. The IBD article pointed out that,

Dems' 900 Days Of Irresponsibility 10.18.11
October 18, 2011

Budget: Over the weekend, Senate Democrats passed a dubious milestone — going 900 days without fulfilling their legal obligation to pass a budget. Worse is the fact that this gross dereliction of duty has gone largely unnoticed. You have to go all the

Cuba's Lady Of Valor 10.18.11
October 18, 2011

Freedom: Laura Pollan Toledo was a humble schoolteacher who led Cuba's defiant Ladies in White. She died Friday in Havana. But she left a legacy of untold courage that terrified Cuba's long-communist dictatorship. As surely as the sun will rise, a day wi