IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Should The Dysfunctional EU Be Dismantled? 10.25.11
October 25, 2011

Europe: Despite weeks of talks, European leaders still don't know how to end the financial crisis that threatens to drag down their economies. But one thing they do know: Whatever happens, it will mean more government. Leaders of the 27 European Union me

Another New York Times Activist 10.24.11
October 24, 2011

Journalism: Is the New York Times a news organization or a front for left-wing activists? Reporter Natasha Lennard was filmed leading an Occupy Wall Street panel, offering radicals tips on keeping their identities secret. Openly. In a video that appeared

In Mideast, U.S. Policy Is In Shambles 10.24.11
October 24, 2011

Diplomacy: As the U.S. careens from debacle to debacle, our policy in the Middle East is now in disarray. American influence is waning, as radical Islamists take over in nation after nation. The damage may be irreversible. Arab Spring has given way to Ar

Prolonging The Foreclosure Mess 10.24.11
October 24, 2011

Meltdown: The president's barren jobs program has also forced him to go back to the drawing board on his mortgage program. His latest anti-foreclosure tonic merely doubles-down on failure. Stubbornly high unemployment has made it harder for people to pay

Politicizing Our Exit From Iraq 10.21.11
October 22, 2011

Iraq: President Obama claims his total troop withdrawal by year-end was always the plan. In fact, thousands of our military would be staying longer, training Iraqis, but for the administration's diplomatic incompetence. After announcing Friday a total wi

Biden's Criminal Lies 10.21.11
October 22, 2011

Stimulus: Vice President Joe Biden's challenge to the GOP that blocking the jobs bill would mean more rapes and murders is beneath even the remarkably low standard he's set for that office. His claim is also utterly bogus. Talk about desperation. In tryi

Green Energy's Bad Karma 10.21.11
October 22, 2011

Boondoggles: With the administration's approval, the recipient of another half-billion-dollar loan to build electric cars is outsourcing the work and any jobs that might be created or saved to Finland. The Fisker Karma electric car, heralded two years ag

'Occupy' Protests Dump On America 10.21.11
October 22, 2011

Civility: The Occupy Wall Street protests, now in their fifth week, have drawn comment for their economically illiterate agenda and leftist sponsorship. But their loutish behavior is notable, too. Did the Tea Parties ever act like that? As Vice President

Sliming The Tea Party 10.20.11
October 21, 2011

Leadership: The president makes an odious comparison between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, unable to tell the difference between those who work to change the system and those who would destroy it. If you ask President Obama, the angry mobs (to co

Wall Street Did It?. 10.20.11
October 21, 2011

Meltdown: If Republicans are to take back the White House and Senate, they need to do a better job tying Democrats and Washington to the subprime crisis. It's not hard, yet even their front-runner struggles to make the case. On Wednesday night, CNN host