IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Playing Pretend On Iran 10.27.11
October 27, 2011

Nuclear Terrorism: With the U.N. atomic agency expected to provide new evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear arsenal, some are ignoring the terrible reality. Unfortunately, atomic jihad cannot be wished away. On Monday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Ak

Occupy Wall Street Gets Lots Of Love From A Biased Media 10.26.11
October 26, 2011

Journalism: Some recent surveys claim Americans are more supportive of the Occupy Wall Street crowd than the Tea Party. What they really show is how extreme media bias can warp public opinion. The Pew Research Center/Washington Post survey out Monday fin

Delinking Islam And Terror 10.26.11
October 26, 2011

Homeland Security: The bleaching of Islam from the terror picture is almost complete. Eric Holder has ordered a purge of FBI training manuals. Soon the 9/11 hijackers' religion will be censored, too. Last week, top Justice Department officials huddled wi

President Obama's Blame-Americans-First Tour 10.26.11
October 26, 2011

Economy: Having run out of excuses for the economic crisis his own policies have produced, President Obama has taken to blaming the American people. Has he no shame? At a San Francisco fundraiser this week, Obama told the assembled fat cats that: "We hav

Is Student-Loan Forgiveness Obama's Next Crisis? 10.26.11
October 26, 2011

Government: President Obama wants student loans to be more like student handouts. Too bad he hasn't learned one of the lessons of the 2008 mortgage crisis: Free money costs plenty. The global financial crisis has its roots in the U.S. government's politi

Bold Colors And (Mitt's) Pale Pastels 10.25.11
October 25, 2011

Fiscal Policy: This is a time for big ideas that take some political risk. Rick Perry's flat-tax solution largely fits that bill, and so do the proposals from most others in the GOP field. Then there's Romney. Perry this week finally unveiled the sort of

California's Economic Suicide 10.25.11
October 25, 2011

The Weather: Regulations finalized by the California Air Resources Board establish the nation's first state-run cap-and-trade regime. Despite Solyndra, the state will gather solar panels while it may. The 262 pages of regulations implementing California'

Real Aid For Flooded Thailand 10.25.11
October 25, 2011

Asia: The floods hitting Thailand are tragic, and the U.S. has offered its aid. Thailand hasn't taken it up, but has sought a free-trade pact. That's where the U.S. can be most helpful. Thailand is a longtime U.S. treaty ally that has developed its econo

Greasing The Axis Of Evil 10.25.11
October 25, 2011

War On Terror: A decade after 9/11, both our wars against two terror regimes are ending without resolution. Did thousands of our troops die so the Taliban could help rule Afghanistan, and Iran dominate Iraq? Imagine the U.S. and the other Allied powers a

Better In Rwanda 10.25.11
October 25, 2011

Commerce: The U.S. has slipped again in world rankings that assess the ease of starting a new business. If we're to bring down our stubbornly high unemployment rate, this trend has to be reversed. According to the World Bank's "Doing Business 2012" repor