IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Zbigniew Brzezinski's Enemies List 10.18.11
October 18, 2011

Social Justice: The former national security adviser wants to compile a list of the evil rich who don't spend their money as the left wants. It comes with the ultimate threat: We know where you live. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to

Busting The 1% Vs. 99% Myth 10.18.11
October 18, 2011

Inequality: President Obama's class-envy strategy is built on a false premise — that the rich get richer at the expense of the poor. Amazingly, such zero-sum thinking is influencing public opinion. Twice as many Americans support the anti-Wall Street p

In Wake Of Iran's Bomb Plot: No Proof, No Consequences? 10.17.11
October 17, 2011

Iran: The U.S. says Tehran plotted to kill a Saudi diplomat on U.S. soil, but allies see no smoking gun and will sit this one out. So this is our war to fight, soon. What happens when the U.S. gets credible evidence Iran has carried out or planned violen

Perry's Jobs Plan: Drill, Baby, Drill 10.17.11
October 17, 2011

Election '12: A governor of an energy-rich state would use the "energy of the past" to create the jobs of the present rather than placing bets on solar panels and tilting at windmills. During the GOP presidential debates, Gov. Rick Perry was criticized f

The President's Strange Bedfellows 10.17.11
October 17, 2011

The Left: Barack Obama's promised agenda of "change" was supposed to be about ending Washington's petty differences. But he has now aligned himself with a radical fringe seeking to destabilize the U.S. financial system. 'Dr. King would want us to challen

Media Shill For OWS 10.17.11
October 17, 2011

Journalism: A cache of new Occupy Wall Street emails shows several press types offering advice to the protesters. We'd be shocked, except the mainstream media have been openly helping the Occupy movement all along. In one of the hundreds of Occupy Wall S

Uganda Foray Misses Big Picture 10.17.11
October 17, 2011

Leadership: President Obama's decision to send U.S. troops to Uganda was a valid one. But its timing was odd, coming as the U.S. disengages from Iraq and enlists Kenya to hose out Somalia. What are his priorities? First, there's nothing seriously wrong w

There's No Dearth Of Job-Creating Ideas 10.14.11
October 15, 2011

Jobs: President Obama routinely claims that Republicans haven't offered any jobs plan. Not true. It's just that Obama ignores any idea that doesn't involve more federal spending, meddling and taxes. When President Obama called House Majority Leader John

Alibis Falling Apart 10.14.11
October 15, 2011

Crime: An old news tape shows that President Obama directly contradicted Attorney General Eric Holder's testimony to Congress about when he knew of Operation Fast and Furious. How many times will the story change? An administration that keeps shifting it

Romney's Bad Advice 10.14.11
October 15, 2011

Campaigning: The GOP front-runner for 2012 sought advice on global warming and carbon emissions from the president's current science czar — an advocate of de-developing America and population control. Politics is said to make strange bedfellows, but no