IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Ezra Klein: From 'Journolist' To Liberal Activist 11.28.11
November 29, 2011

Media Bias: In the early days of the Gulf War, pundits marveled at the specter of Iraqi troops surrendering to journalists. Well, now it's even worse: Journalists are giving the Democratic Party its talking points. The Washington Post's 27-year-old star

How's That Arab Spring Working Out In Egypt? 11.22.11
November 23, 2011

Middle East: Mass bloodshed followed by Islamist rule is in Egypt's future thanks to President Obama's Mideast destabilization policy. A hijacked "Arab Spring" isn't limited to the land of the pharaohs, either. A promise of mid-2012 presidential election

Ethnic Studies Departments Rife With Radicals 11.22.11
November 23, 2011

Education: Would Americans put up with Marxist indoctrination in classrooms on the public dime? So why is Arizona still battling the disguised grievance-politics radicalism known as Latino "ethnic studies" in its schools? Last May, Arizona's state legisl

Embryonic Stem Cells Still Haven’t Performed Miracles 11.22.11
November 23, 2011

Subsidies: A firm that received tax dollars to pursue embryonic stem cell research abandons what was touted as the most promising avenue of research for medical miracles. Then there's that "conscience thing." When Geron Corp. announced in January 2010 th

Despite Book’s Claims, Clinton Policies Hurt Economy 11.22.11
November 23, 2011

Subprime Scandal: President Clinton is plugging a new book scolding Wall Street and Republicans and offering his "solutions" to an economic mess he helped cause. His gall knows no bounds. The media portray Clinton, who acts as if he were still president,

Democrat Denial Of Impact Of Regulations On Economy Holds Back Robust U.S. Recovery 11.21.11
November 22, 2011

Government: Brandishing misleading employer survey data, Senate leader Harry Reid claims there isn't "a single shred of evidence" regulations cause big economic harm. Even President Obama disagrees. It is self-evident that regulations on business kill jo

His City A Fiscal Wreck, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Shows Chutzpah 11.21.11
November 21, 2011

Politics: The former White House chief of staff journeys to Iowa to trash the Republican presidential field. As the ship of state continues to sink, the former first mate ignores the iceberg he helped steer us into. One would think that Rahm Emanuel, cur

For Supercommittee, Failure Was the Only Option 11.21.11
November 21, 2011

The Debt Crisis: The "failure" of the supercommittee is better described as a success. Republicans stood firm against new taxes and got what they set out to achieve: deficit reduction that relies 100% on spending cuts. With the supercommittee's demise, W

Too Few Of Us Still Believe Our Culture Is Superior 11.21.11
November 21, 2011

Leadership: A few years ago, six in 10 of us believed our culture was superior to others. Now less than half think so. How much does this have to do with electing a president who doesn't believe in America? Pew Poll results released last week show that o

Is Election Win By Spanish Conservatives A Mandate To End Socialism? 11.21.11
November 21, 2011

Election: Spain's voters have thrown out their ruling Socialists, giving conservatives their most decisive victory since the nation's return to democracy in 1978. Problems persist, but a shift in political course can only help. Unlike, say, California's