IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Weather’s Too Nice For Global Warming Alarmists 11.30.11
December 01, 2011

Environment: Sunday will be the 2,232nd consecutive day that the U.S. has gone without being hit by a major hurricane. This is a big enough deal to be covered by the mainstream media. But of course it won't be. On Dec. 4, a new record will be set for the

For Democrats Class Warfare Trumps Job Creation 11.30.11
December 01, 2011

Taxes: With unemployment chronically high, how does taxing more than a third of small-business income make sense? Politically, that's how. The Democrats' dead-on-arrival surtax is a campaign ploy, not a jobs strategy. At a time when leadership is sorely

Will The EPA Choke Oil Shale Production 11.30.11
December 01, 2011

New Energy: The latest salvo in the administration's war on energy may be new rules and permits to regulate a process to get oil and gas from porous rock, sacrificing jobs and economic growth while under review. There are a few areas of the U.S. that are

Anti-Bank Dem Maxine Waters Rises On Key Financial Panel 11.29.11
November 30, 2011

Rules: If you thought Rep. Barney Frank was bad, his likely replacement is worse. Rep. Maxine Waters is Congress' most anti-bank member — unless she owns stock in one, that is. Waters is in line to take over from Frank on the powerful Financial Service

Tax Credits Offset Regulation’s Economic Drain 11.29.11
November 30, 2011

Red Tape: Federal regulation exacts a heavy toll on the economy. If the Republicans win the White House and Congress next year, it's up to the party of less government to do something about it. But what? Governments regulate business with little or no th

Want To Be Carbon-Free? Bring On The Nukes 11.29.11
November 30, 2011

California: A new study provides a road map to a carbon-free future. Just one problem: Something has to produce the juice for all those electric cars, and it can't be just the sun and the wind. It's been five years since California passed its ambitious l

Badly-Needed Alaskan Oil Is Kept From Market By Obama Decision 11.29.11
November 30, 2011

Energy Policy: The same administration that says we can and should get oil from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska is blocking a bridge needed to get it to market on environmental grounds. In his May 14 weekly radio address, President Obama called

A Shooting War With Pakistan? 11.28.11
November 29, 2011

War On Terror: The latest deadly Afghan border skirmish between U.S.-led troops and Pakistani troops indicates that the war may be expanding to include our putative ally. But are we prepared? In what's become a common occurrence, the Pakistani military â

Loved by media, Barney Frank Helped Cause Financial Crisis 11.28.11
November 29, 2011

Congress: Establishment media are swooning over the unexpected departure of ultraliberal Barney Frank. But this "champion of the little guy" actually helped cause the mortgage disaster, then kept the system broken. 'Congress will now be a little dumber,"

E-Car Fires: Big Bump In The Road 11.28.11
November 29, 2011

Industrial Policy: The investigation into the safety of electric car batteries intensifies after additional fires involving the flagship of a proposed electric vehicle fleet. Central planning doesn't work for cars or insurance. When the Toyota Prius was