IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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USPS' Cost-Cutting Plan Shows Need for Privatization 12.5.11
December 05, 2011

Mail: The Postal Service has announced how it plans to fight increased competition for First Class mail — by providing worse service. If the USPS doesn't want to deliver the mail, Congress should let others give it a try. On Monday, the Postal Service

Unemployment Decline To 8.6%: A Statistical Fluke? 12.2.11
December 03, 2011

Jobs: Americans woke up Friday to the good news that the unemployment rate had dropped sharply from 9% to 8.6%. On closer inspection, the decline is highly questionable — and doesn't warrant a surge in optimism. The White House hailed the news as "furt

McDonald's Sidesteps The Happy Meal Prohibition 12.2.11
December 03, 2011

Absurd Laws: The nannies of San Francisco tried to take the fun out of McDonald's Happy Meal. But enterprising managers found a way to bring joy to the kids anyway. A city ordinance that prohibits fast-food restaurants from giving away toys with children

George Bush's Africa AIDS Achievement Big But Ignored 12.2.11
December 03, 2011

World Health: At a star-studded gala Thursday, President Obama drew big praise from AIDS activists and NGOs for expanding AIDS-fighting programs. But the real accomplishment rests with his predecessor, President Bush. After quietly helping to save 30 mil

Former Union Chief Andy Stern Praises Crony Communism 12.2.11
December 03, 2011

Economic Systems: The former head of the Service Employees International Union says capitalism is on the ash heap of history and sees China as our role model. We have seen his future, however, and it doesn't work. President Obama once reportedly told aid

With Islamists Rising, Will Egypt Go The Way Of Iran? 12.1.11
December 02, 2011

Islamism: The news from Cairo is bad. Early election returns point to a Parliament dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood and the even more extreme Salafis. It's time for a fast reset to realism. History never repeats itself precisely, but Egypt's revolutio

Obama Campaigns For Re-Election On Public Dime 12.1.11
December 02, 2011

Election '12: President Obama jammed traffic in Manhattan on Tuesday. State business? No, he was raising campaign funds. It's just the latest example of his questionable strategy of running for re-election by taking from the public. And no, the public wa

Border Agent's Murder Brings Calls For Investigation 12.1.11
December 02, 2011

Scandal: The Justice Department has sealed court records detailing the circumstances of a border patrol agent's murder by a Mexican drug cartel, including the fact U.S. agents were being hunted with U.S.-supplied weapons. The murder of Border Patrol Agen

NLRB Ruling Shows No End To Its Pro-Union Bias 12.1.11
December 02, 2011

Unions: The National Labor Relations Board continued to serve its union masters this week when it moved forward on a new pro-union "microwave" election rule. Perhaps it's time to nuke the NLRB instead. The rule, first drafted in June, would dramatically

Fed Leads Other Central Banks In Applying Band-Aid 11.30.11
December 01, 2011

Debt Crisis: Led by the Fed, top central banks added dollars to the global financial system on Wednesday as Europe's crisis deepened. We hate to rain on anyone's parade, but this won't solve the EU's problems. The central banks' bold action, though met w