IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Taxpayers Get Bigger Bill From GM, Chrysler Bailout 11.18.11
November 19, 2011

Reckless Spending: The administration said taxpayers would make a profit on the auto bailout. It was a promise less reliable than one pledged by the proverbial used-car salesman. The bailout losses continue to mount. The Treasury Department issued a new

Americans Want Spending Cut — But Hands Off Their Benefits 11.18.11
November 19, 2011

Budget Policy: Americans broadly agree that government has gotten too big and that spending needs to be cut. Great. But just what should be cut? On that, their message is a bit more muddled. Perhaps not surprisingly in these days of trillion- dollar defi

The Occupation Should Be On White House Grounds 11.18.11
November 19, 2011

Crony Capitalism: As the president embraces Occupy Wall Street, his favorite corporation paid no taxes in 2010 on $14 billion in profits, much of it overseas. Meanwhile, 20,000 jobs for the 99% go unfilled. At a recent town hall meeting, Rep. Paul Ryan,

Obama Bad-mouths America Abroad — Again 11.18.11
November 19, 2011

Leadership: The president is at it again, bad-mouthing the U.S. abroad. Last week he told Australians that our kids are "behind" in education and that the solution is — what else? — more government spending. Let's unpack that. To start, normal presid

Pelosi Leads List Of Conflict Of Interest Dems 11.17.11
November 18, 2011

Ethics: As Democrats demonize Wall Street CEOs as the "greedy" fiends of the financial crisis, they've lined their own pockets — both before and after the crisis. Nancy Pelosi's just the latest example. The former House speaker allegedly gamed financia

An Occupy Movement Based On 99% Lies 11.17.11
November 18, 2011

Inequality: As cities rousted Occupiers, liberals claimed the movement has already succeeded by calling attention to income inequality. But all it's really done is give the left an excuse to recycle bogus class-warfare claims. Soon after Mayor Bloomberg

Steven Chu Should Lose His Job Over The Solyndra Scandal 11.17.11
November 18, 2011

Corruption: The Secretary of Energy takes responsibility for and defends the granting of a half-billion-dollar-loan guarantee to an imploding solar panel maker. But that's not where the campaign donor buck stopped. In testimony Thursday before the House

Democrats For Election Fraud 11.16.11
November 17, 2011

Suffrage: We're used to Democrats' trotting out the Republicans-are-racists trope whenever they want to score a political point. But even we can't believe they're doing it to block reasonable protections against election fraud. This week, Maryland's Rep.

Mob Judges 11.16.11
November 17, 2011

The Law: A New York judge on Tuesday came very close to turning the Occupy Wall Street mob into a permanent fixture. When elitist jurists take the side of criminal anarchy, ordered liberty is gravely endangered. Delivering the Manhattan Institute's Wrist

Asia Rediscovers Its Love For America 11.16.11
November 17, 2011

Global Power: Much is being made of China's unease at President Obama's initiative this week to raise the U.S. presence in the Pacific Rim. The real story is Asia's unease with China's expansionism. It wants America back. Beijing was taken by surprise at