IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Renewable Fuel Standards Formula For Global Poverty 1.4.12
January 05, 2012

Energy Policy: There was a reason Congress let ethanol subsidies expire. Legislation mandating using corn as fuel will keep prices high. They will also increase poverty worldwide. Anyone remember the "tortilla riots?" The Renewable Fuel Standards Program

Acting Like A King Isn't Among The President's Duties 1.4.12
January 05, 2012

Leadership: A spokesman says the president "can't wait for Congress to act" and promised that he's "going to take action." This is the president who was "ready to rule" in 2008. Is he an elected chief executive or an emperor? In November 2008, shortly af

Despite Obama's Failures, He Will Be Tough To Beat 1.3.12
January 03, 2012

Election 2012: The Obama presidency may epitomize incompetence, but his campaign will be the slickest, most vicious ever. With so much at stake for America, Republicans better be ready for war. Gathering in their schools, church halls and neighbors' home

The Great Golden State Business Exodus 1.3.12
January 03, 2012

States: California's in trouble. Businesses are leaving along with intellectual and investment capital and skilled workers. But rather than face up to serious problems, legislators pass silly laws. One would think that given the serious nature of the sta

Obama Motors Is on Fire - Literally 1.3.12
January 03, 2012

Industrial Policy: President Obama's electric car vision is off to a hot start. First the heavily subsidized Chevy Volt started catching fire. Then government-backed Fisker Automotive had to recall all its cars due to a fire hazard. Late last month, Fisk

Univision Wages Political War On Latino Conservatives 1.3.12
January 03, 2012

Bias: A giant TV network has effectively admitted to blackmailing Florida's GOP Sen. Marco Rubio over his immigration stance. It's Exhibit A of the kind of sludge being hurled at Latino leaders who won't toe the open-borders line. Bigfoot Spanish-languag

Tax Cuts, Less-Intrusive Gov't Help Canada Soar 12.29.11
December 29, 2011

Success: Away from the low growth and high regulation of an America under Washington's thumb, our northern neighbor is economically strong. As 2011 ends, Canada has announced yet another tax cut — and will soar even more. The Obama administration and i

GOP Candidates School Media On Crisis Origins 12.29.11
December 29, 2011

Journalism: Bloomberg News has published a piece designed to shame GOP White House hopefuls for fingering government housing policy in the crisis. But it's Bloomberg that needs schooling. Its lengthy article scoffs at top Republican candidates Mitt Romne

North Korea’s ‘Mourners’: Dehumanized By Communism 12.28.11
December 29, 2011

Totalitarianism: The world witnessed a grotesque spectacle Tuesday as millions of North Koreans mourned the death of the world's most odious dictator. It's a classic demonstration of the dehumanization of communism. In the free world, tears would never b

Voter ID: Holder Looks Through Race-Colored Glasses 12.28.11
December 29, 2011

Suffrage: Fresh from using his race as a defense in the Fast and Furious scandal, the attorney general blocks South Carolina's voter photo ID law as discriminatory. Tell that to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The Palmetto State can't seem to catch a b