IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Gov. Brown's Tax Hikes Would Kill California Comeback 1.6.12
January 07, 2012

The States: As California enters a second decade of decline, its old-new Gov. Jerry Brown has a plan for its revival: A 7% rise in government spending, with a tax hike to match. This is innovative thinking? To call Brown's latest plan foolish does a diss

Obamalateral Disarmament Dooms Arsenal Of Democracy 1.6.12
January 07, 2012

National Security: Portrayed as just a shuffling of priorities, the president's defense cuts reduce our two-war strategy to maybe one war and cross your fingers. Champagne corks are popping from Beijing to Tehran. Imagine a scenario in the not-too-distan

Battered Bank Syndrome 1.6.12
January 07, 2012

Lending: Bank of America repeatedly caved in to race bullies and still got sued for racism. Now it's paying them off with another $335 million. Have banks finally learned? Sadly, no. Judging from the scores of banks settling trumped-up race-bias claims,

Obama's Recess Appointments: An Impeachable Offense? 1.5.12
January 05, 2012

Constitution: President Obama's nonrecess "recess appointments" can't be excused as over-the-top electioneering. This president has crossed over from socialistic extremism into lawlessness and, perhaps, impeachability. The U.S. Constitution established a

World Bank Economist Blames America For Its Wealth 1.5.12
January 05, 2012

Wealth: A World Bank economist is trying to shame the U.S. for being home to one half of the world's richest people, the so-called 1%. In reality, it's the world that should be red-faced for not creating wealth as America does. Bank chief economist Brank

White House Calls GOP Extreme; Record Says Otherwise 1.5.12
January 05, 2012

Election '12: The White House responded to the Republican Iowa results by claiming that no matter who won, the extremists were the victors. Does the administration really want to run for re-election on that theme? While the media were busy trying to tell

'Leaner' Military Begins With Gutting Defense Budget 1.5.12
January 05, 2012

Defense: The administration announces a leaner version of our military involving the cutting of tens of thousands of ground troops as a leading defense contractor closes a major plant due to budget cuts. In an unusual appearance at the Pentagon on Thursd

A Perfect Kodak Moment Of Creative Destruction 1.5.12
January 05, 2012

Bankruptcy: News that Eastman Kodak may file for bankruptcy brought a flood of nostalgia for the venerable company. But Kodak's demise underscores the unique strength of our free-market economy — its constant renewal. Sixty-two years after Kodak was fo

Media Downplay Big Win For Romney In Iowa 1.4.12
January 05, 2012

Election 2012: Because they believe he'll be the Republican nominee, the dominant media are trying to taint Mitt Romney's victory in Iowa. In fact, Romney just won a state he was never supposed to win. No matter how plainly you say something, count on th

Vast Web Of Federal Regulation Causing Drug Shortages 1.4.12
January 05, 2012

Health Care: The number of prescription drug shortages shot up to a record 267 in 2011, nearly four times the level of just seven years ago, a new report says. It's a shortage made in Washington. The number of drug shortages rose by 56 in 2011 from 211 i