IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Secular Progressives Mock QB Tim Tebow—And Us 1.10.12
January 11, 2012

Leadership: Even before George Washington is said to have taken a knee in prayer at Valley Forge, men and women of faith and courage endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights have guided this nation to greatness. Some 45 million people watched Den

Unions Get Waivers Bought With Political Cash 1.10.12
January 11, 2012

Politics: In a telltale Friday-night document dump, the White House released records showing the latest lucky recipients of Obama-Care cost waivers. By the wildest of coincidences, 87% of them belong to Big Labor unions. Interesting, since Big Labor pull

Tampa Terror 1.10.12
January 11, 2012

Homegrown Terror: The FBI has arrested yet another American Muslim for plotting to kill fellow citizens in the name of Islam. Why is the U.S. Muslim community so uniquely susceptible to violence? According to a federal affidavit, Sami Osmakac, a 25-year-

Hugo Chavez's Lawless Venezuela Grows More Lawless 1.9.12
January 09, 2012

The Americas: With U.S. attention focused elsewhere, Venezuela's dictator is at it again — breaking contracts, pushing drugs, plotting cyberattacks and cavorting with Iran's tyrant. This is what appeasement brings. Well before President Obama gave Pres

We Hope Obama Will Change Gasoline Prices 1.9.12
January 09, 2012

Energy: After enduring a holiday season with gasoline prices at all-time highs, Americans are now dealing with record high prices to begin a new year. Does the president plan to do anything? When Barack Obama took office three years ago, gasoline was les

Obama To Betray Missile Defense Secrets To Moscow 1.9.12
January 09, 2012

Appeasement: From ObamaCare to recess appointments, honoring the Constitution has not been an administration hallmark. But when it comes to betraying secrets to mollify the Russians, it becomes a document the president hides behind. It was bad enough tha

Devil In Details Of Egypt Brotherhood's Party Platform 1.9.12
January 09, 2012

Mideast: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insists Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood seeks "democratic reforms" and sees no reason not to engage its newly formed party. Has she read its platform? Banned under President Hosni Mubarak, the radical Brotherhood ha

What If U.S. Government Got The Bain Treatment? 1.9.12
January 09, 2012

Election 2012: Some Republicans are trashing presidential front-runner Mitt Romney because he has practiced in the private sector what they preach. In fact, it wouldn't be so bad if Washington got the Bain treatment. It was only a matter of time before M

Obama's Low Expectations On Jobs 1.6.12
January 07, 2012

Employment: The White House spins the new job numbers as evidence the economy is coming back from the Bush recession. Truth is, the economy continues to struggle against the weight of Obama's misguided policies. Friday's numbers showed employment climbin

Illegal Aliens, Endless Health Care Bills 1.6.12
January 07, 2012

Immigration: An illegal alien just completed 12 surgeries and a record 374-day stay in a Fresno hospital. For him, it was "free" health care. But for taxpayers, the hospital and patients who ultimately pay, it's another big bill. Marco Antonio Fuentes ha