IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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U.S. Decline In Economic Freedom Threatens Prosperity 1.12.12
January 12, 2012

Economy: Another year, another step down on the ladder for America — on the Index of Economic Freedom, that is — as the U.S. continues to lose ground to other countries. More than any other country, the U.S. can lay claim to being the home of economi

DNC Chair Says Giffords Shooting Tea Party’s Fault 1.12.12
January 12, 2012

Politics: The DNC's chairwoman, a champion of Occupy Wall Street, once again associates the tragedy in Tucson with an end to civil discourse caused by the grass-roots Tea Party movement. Has she no shame? There she goes again. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schul

Cars For Government, Not Consumers 1.12.12
January 12, 2012

Overregulation: Carmakers are showing who's really behind the wheel of the industry at this year's Detroit auto show. And, no, it's not car buyers. It's federal regulators. At the industry's premier trade show, carmakers rolled out one hybrid and plug-in

Light Bulb Phaseout Worse Than Reported 1.12.12
January 12, 2012

Environmentalism: As the light bulb phaseout goes into effect, you may be surprised to know the law also requires their already-costly replacements to be phased out too. That's right, new light bulb efficiency standards set by Washington also mandate lig

Why Is Jimmy Carter Helping Egypt's Islamic Radicals? 1.12.12
January 12, 2012

Anti-Americanism: The worst president of the 20th century is now fomenting terrorism in the 21st century by helping Egyptian Islamists. For decades, Jimmy Carter has been legitimizing mass-murderers in the name of peace. 'From Malaise to Massacre" might

Romney Needs To Teach Some Capitalism 101 1.11.12
January 12, 2012

The Economy: Where do jobs come from? That facts-of-life question is central to the coming presidential contest. And if you get what Bain Capital does, you know the answer. We've heard more times than we can count that the 2012 election will be about job

Do Unconventional Tactics Mark Start Of War On Iran? 1.11.12
January 12, 2012

Conflict: As Iran's despot clowned with Latin dictators, someone was playing hardball back home, taking out another nuclear scientist. At the same time, the U.S. Navy won Iranian hearts and minds with two sea rescues. A war is on. We would've loved to se

Romney's Wins Belie Media Myths About His Candidacy 1.11.12
January 12, 2012

Primaries: Among other things, Mitt Romney's big victory in New Hampshire has served to crush a lot of myths about his campaign — especially the idea he can't attract bedrock Republican voters. He can. Sure, Mitt won handily in New Hampshire, with almo

A Celebrating Romney Says Obama Is Out Of Time 1.11.12
January 12, 2012

We remember when Barack Obama came to New Hampshire four years ago. He promised to bring people together. He promised to change the broken system in Washington. He promised to improve our nation. Those were the days of lofty promises made by a hopeful ca

Media to Blame for HalloweenGate Cover-Up 1.10.12
January 11, 2012

Media: The White House is now taking hits for trying to downplay a lavish Halloween party the Obamas threw themselves amid an economic crisis. But what about the reporters who dutifully complied with the cover-up? In her new book, "The Obamas," New York