IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Media Push Myths About Mitt Romney's 15% Tax Rate 1.18.12
January 19, 2012

Taxes: Mitt Romney's admission that his effective tax rate is around 15% prompted the usual class warfare rage from the left. But it also prompted news reports to repeat several myths about the country's income tax code. As CNN put it in the first paragr

SOPA, PIPA Threaten Free Speech, First Amendment 1.18.12
January 19, 2012

Free Speech: In the name of stopping online piracy of copyrighted material, some propose giving the federal government power to shut down websites without due process and control the greatest mode of free speech ever invented. Call them "sons of net neut

High-Speed Rail in Calif.: What Price Behavior Mod? 1.17.12
January 18, 2012

High-Speed Rail: Spending $100 billion on bullet trains that may or may not get some people out of their cars isn't transformative, just wasteful. So why is California's governor still on board? Back in April 2009, Barack Obama was still in his yes-we-ca

Gingrich's Debate Prowess Shows How Obama Can Be Beat 1.17.12
January 17, 2012

Election 2012: Whatever one thinks of GOP candidate Newt Gingrich, there's no doubt he scored big in the weekend's South Carolina debate. That kind of energy and command of facts is what it will take to win the presidency. After falling in the polls unde

Why Are President Obama's Defenders So Dumb? 1.17.12
January 17, 2012

Media Bias: A presidential infomercial posing as a news magazine distorts the record to shamelessly shill for a failed administration. Why do we criticize the man who made the high-speed trains run on time? Political campaigns call it free media: when ca

Despite Past Failures, Fed Looks To Print More Money 1.13.12
January 14, 2012

Recovery: The media have busied themselves with touting the big economic rebound they see brewing in the U.S. We hope they're right. But if they are, why is the Federal Reserve getting ready to print even more money? The media argument goes like this: Af

Businesses Need Relief From Obama, Not Gov't Reorg 1.13.12
January 14, 2012

Business: After pushing through one of the largest expansions of government in history, the president now claims he wants to streamline it on behalf of struggling businesses. Pardon us if we're skeptical about his sincerity. On Friday, Obama pushed Congr

Occupy Turns From Protest To Piracy With Disruptions 1.13.12
January 14, 2012

Trade: While claiming to hate banks, Occupy protestors have a creepy penchant for disrupting sea traffic. Their new plan is to halt ships in Washington state. Now Coast Guard escorts are being called in. It's not enough. This is piracy. It's time elected

Keystone XL Pipeline And Jobs — Put Up Or Shut Up 1.13.12
January 14, 2012

Politics: The day after the president announces he would reward businesses that bring jobs into the U.S., the Chamber of Commerce asks: What about the pipeline from Canada that would bring both jobs and energy? The irony was mind-boggling when President

Haiti Needs Economic Freedom, Not More Failed Aid 1.12.12
January 12, 2012

Aid: One year after Haiti's devastating 7.0 earthquake, calls are going out to the U.S. to give more. They come after Oxfam reported that after $12 billion in aid, Haiti is still a ruin. Clearly, this is a problem money can't solve. No one responded to n