IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Mexico's Murderous Drug War Spills Over U.S. Border 1.20.12
January 21, 2012

The Border: Eighteen months ago, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was excoriated for warning of spillover from Mexico's war reaching our soil. Well, beheadings are becoming common now. Yet that war is still ignored. Leading the charge in the summer of 2010, Washi

Franklin Raines, Ghost Defendant 1.20.12
January 21, 2012

Subprime Scandal: Obama adviser Franklin Raines is glaringly absent from an SEC lawsuit against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives for defrauding investors. How convenient. Raines first plunged Fannie into the subprime abyss as its chairman and chief

Will Unions Occupy Super Bowl Over Right To Work? 1.20.12
January 21, 2012

Big Labor: Indiana unions, opposed to becoming the first right-to-work state in the Rust Belt, may disrupt Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis. Their unnecessary roughness will cost the Hoosiers needed jobs. On Friday, as the Indiana Senate was scheduled to

Whoever The GOP Nominee, Obama Must Be Defeated 1.19.12
January 19, 2012

Election '12: As Mitt Romney's loss in Iowa to Rick Santorum shatters the "historic" mantra, Rick Perry withdraws to endorse the former House speaker. The fat lady has not yet sung. What a difference 24 hours can make in the political arena. One minute R

Gingrich Becomes Media Target On Eve Of S.C. Vote 1.19.12
January 19, 2012

Media: The dominant liberal media are going all out to destroy Newt Gingrich — just as two polls show him overtaking Mitt Romney. It turns out, when a conservative Republican is the target, old news is big news. The latest polling gives Gingrich front-

When Will We Awake From Obama's Bad Green Dream? 1.19.12
January 19, 2012

Industrial Policy: The Obama administration promised a future with a clean, green economy. Instead, it's left us with failed government "investments" in projects driven by politics rather than prudence. While campaigning for the presidency in 2008, Barac

Obama's Button Men (And Women) 1.19.12
January 19, 2012

Media Bias: Journalists like to claim they speak truth to power. But when Barack Obama wields that power, they're all too willing to do his bidding, even if it means attacking one of their own. Just ask Jodi Kantor. Kantor's book, "The Obamas," is hardly

Jobs Vs. Greens? On Keystone Obama Chooses His Base 1.18.12
January 19, 2012

Energy: President Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL oil pipeline sums up his presidency. When it comes down to well-paying new jobs and cheaper energy vs. his political base, guess which wins. The 1,700-mile TransCanada Keystone crude oil pipeline fro

Climate Change Doubts Heat Up the Classroom 1.18.12
January 19, 2012

Climate Change: Teachers reportedly are getting push-back on middle and high school curricula that fuel the speculation that man is warming the planet. Their frustration is almost worthy of a celebration. Earlier this week, the Los Angeles Times recounte

Obama's Wayward Chief Of Staff 1.18.12
January 19, 2012

Election '12: The president has staked his re-election bid on the claim that GOP deregulation of Wall Street caused a crisis he can't fix. But even his own chief of staff isn't buying it. Jacob Lew, former budget director and Hillary Clinton loyalist, wa