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IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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U.S. 'Reset' Backfires As Brazil Turns To China 1.24.12
January 24, 2012

Diplomacy: President Obama earlier this year hailed a new era of energy cooperation with Brazil, vowing to make America Brazil's best customer. Brazil's response? To sell its oil to China. So much for the "reset" in relations. Hailing Brazil as "a global

Congress Can Constitutionally Skirt Obama On Keystone 1.24.12
January 24, 2012

Energy: The president might think that he's killed the Keystone XL pipeline, at least for as long as he's in office. But he could be very wrong. President Obama was able to snuff out the project and with it a vast supply of needed crude because the execu

Who's Vetting Muslim Chaplains On College Campuses? 1.24.12
January 24, 2012

Homeland Security: To please Muslim-rights groups, more and more colleges are hiring Muslim chaplains, only to watch them radicalize students. Campuses need tougher background checks. Alarmingly, some chaplains have actively supported al-Qaida and called

What the White House Really Knew About the Stimulus 1.24.12
January 24, 2012

Blame Game: News reports about a December 2008 White House stimulus memo claim it proves the stimulus was too small. What it really does is expose how Obama has misled the country about his economic policies. The memo, written by Larry Summers — Presid

Gingrich And The Battle For American Exceptionalism 1.23.12
January 24, 2012

Election 2012: After a stunning South Carolina primary victory, the former speaker of the House rightly defines the battle ahead as one between the America envisioned by our Founding Fathers and the radicalism practiced by our president. Alinsky, the far

Dems: Let Government Determine Reasonable Profits 1.23.12
January 24, 2012

Big Oil: In the annals of stupid legislation, add a proposal from House liberals that would set up a "Reasonable Profits Board" to decide when oil companies have made too much money. We pay lawmakers for this? The "Gas Price Spike Act" is really just a w

Does Iowa Electoral Fraud Scam Lead To White House? 1.23.12
January 24, 2012

Election '12: In a scandal reeking of electoral fraud, a Democrat-linked political hack was arrested Friday for identity theft in an apparent bid to defame and replace Iowa's GOP secretary of state. How far up does this go? Zachary Edwards, who served as

Obama Flunks His Own Fairness Test 1.23.12
January 24, 2012

Leadership: If State of the Union speech leaks are any indication, the president wants his re-election campaign to be about fairness. But why should anyone believe him, since his own policies have made America much less fair? 'We can go in two directions

Gingrich Looking Churchillian In Political Comeback 1.20.12
January 21, 2012

Leadership: A great debater. Politically polarizing. Prone to great error, but also prone to spectacular success. Steeped in history. Politically brilliant. Unorthodox. Audacious. All these qualities were once used to describe Winston Churchill. Today, y

First Obama Re-Election Ad Filled With Fibs 1.20.12
January 21, 2012

Energy: In his very first TV ad of the 2012 campaign, the president is feeding the public false information about America's dependence on foreign fuels. His twisted statistics actually celebrate the Obama recession. The Obama re-election campaign is alre