IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Defend Mideast Oil, But Refuse To Build Keystone? 12.29.11
December 29, 2011

Energy Independence: As our enemy Iran threatens to close a vital waterway for the shipping of oil, plans for a secure, job-creating supply from our ally Canada gather dust on the president's desk. The blustering threat from the quite mad Iranian mullahs

Solyndra-Gate Opens Into A Large Den Of Corruption 12.29.11
December 29, 2011

Corruption: The Obama administration promised a green energy future. What it delivered, though, is a present filled with rancid politics, aching failure and tawdry scandal. At the top of the list is the Solyndra collapse. President Obama himself visited

Medicare Reform? Nope — Just Another Doc Fix 12.28.11
December 29, 2011

Medicare: Once again, Congress puts off a tough decision on physician fees and shows the failure of top-down cost control. Obama-Care charts a similar path. When will Washington wise up? Amid the recent political game-playing over the payroll tax, the do

Democrats Use Fiscal Crisis As Weapon To Bash GOP 12.27.11
December 27, 2011

Debt: Wasn't it just last summer Republicans and Democrats nearly came to blows over raising the debt ceiling? Well, guess what — President Obama is back, asking for another $1.2 trillion. Are we being gamed here? After last summer's imbroglio, the deb

Is Army Islamizing The Military By Allowing Hijab? 12.27.11
December 27, 2011

Political Correctness: First the Pentagon hosts the 9/11 imam. Then the Marines open a mosque at Quantico. Now the Army's letting JROTC cadets wear the hijab. What next? In a letter to a Muslim group sent on Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's behalf, Deput

Egypt's 'Man Of Peace' Lends Egypt's Islamists A Hand 12.27.11
December 27, 2011

Middle East: With Islamists winning 70% in a second round of parliamentary voting, Egypt is speeding toward a theocratic, anti-American dictatorship. The "Arab Spring" is turning into a long winter of despotism. Serious long-term trouble is brewing in th

Islamofascism And The War on Nigeria's Christians 12.27.11
December 27, 2011

Islamofascism: Scores of Christians attending Catholic mass in Nigerian churches were slaughtered in their pews by massive bomb blasts on Christmas Day. While decried as "un-Islamic," a frightening number of Muslims believe the bombings are justified. Th

Silent Night For Christians In Afghanistan And Iraq 12.23.11
December 27, 2011

Religious Freedom: As our nation celebrates Christmas, Christians in the nations we shed blood and treasure for to establish democracy face extinction. For Christians in Iraq and Afghanistan, it may be the last Christmas ever. Christianity faces the thre

Are Our Nuclear Secrets Safe In Obama's Hands? 12.23.11
December 27, 2011

Inviting Espionage: The administration is considering reviving a '90s-era nuclear scientist exchange program with China. Does no one in the White House remember how much damage the previous arrangement caused? Of the many regrettable initiatives dreamed

As Argentina Seizes Newsprint, Press Freedom Suffers 12.23.11
December 27, 2011

Press Freedom: What's the oldest trick in the dictator's handbook? Why, to seize the newsprint. Fresh from a big electoral win, Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez has pulled that hoary stunt, topping even Hugo Chavez. By a vote of 41-26, Argentina'