Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Q&A: osteoarthritis; grey hair; shingles; probiotics
May 17, 2021

Relieving irritation in an arthritic joint; the factors at play in prematurely greying hair; flu vaccination and the possibility of other triggered conditions; and the efficacy of probiotics

A positive virus test and reverse-transcribed RNA
May 17, 2021

Some people test positive for the COVID virus for longer than others. While some have compromised immune systems, many have a normal immune system and are not infectious. A research group in Boston may know why, and think that RNA from the virus may have

Preventing eye injuries
May 17, 2021

An injury to the eye is one of the leading causes of single-eye blindness in Australia. Until now we haven't had a good idea of just how much it costs the country.

Rhinosinusitis and associated problems
May 17, 2021

A study has perhaps explained why chronic rhinosinusitis causes problems with thinking, memory, and fatigue - as well as the usual headache, sinus pain and blocked nose.

Life expectancy in men and women
May 17, 2021

For most of human history men have lived longer than women but since the mid-19th century - when advances in obstetrics meant that women survived pregnancy and childbirth - women have lived longer than men. But in some countries it's been as high as 14 ye

Q&A: weight gain & meds; silica; aspirin; dental braces
May 10, 2021

Weight gain and meds; silica in cosmetics; use of aspirin; dental braces in youngsters

Bronchiolitis in infants—improving the guidelines
May 10, 2021

A viral respiratory condition called bronchiolitis is the commonest reason for a baby under 12 months to be admitted to hospital. But there are variations in the care of babies with the condition. Australian and New Zealand researchers have carried out a

Development in preterm babies—a French study
May 10, 2021

Well over 5000 pre-term babies are born in Australia each year who are six weeks or more premature, and need intensive neonatal care to some extent. A French group has followed over 4000 children who were born at a gestation of 34 weeks or less through to

Development in preterm babies—a personal story
May 10, 2021

Research is showing that many kids born preterm can end up with developmental problems. Alison Shen's daughter was born at 25-and-a-half weeks. And while Alison and her husband had been warned that premmie babies sometimes have ongoing problems, it wasn't

Finding the best strategies for available vaccine supply
May 10, 2021

If Australia had met its original COVID vaccine targets, around 6 million Australians would have had their first dose by now. According to the ABC's data journalists, the number is less than half of that and the federal government is resisting setting new