Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Targeting cancer tumours with focussed radiation
May 31, 2021

The spread of cancer is much-feared - but some tumours have only two or three metastases. And where secondary tumours are in inaccessible spots or surgery may not be indicated, radiation therapy might be able to help. Intensely focussed beams target sever

Making sure you don't sunburn
May 31, 2021

In a country as sunny as Australia, people are generally pretty aware of the risks of sunburn. But sometimes sunburn can necessitate a visit to a specialist burns unit.

Australian healthcare atlas, and C-sections
May 31, 2021

A recent report has looked at many facets of Australian healthcare and found that a large proportion of births that happen in the weeks before due dates are not due to medical reasons.

Q&A: brain fade and chemo; antioxidants; preeclampsia and vaccination; hernia ops in men
May 24, 2021

Brain fade and chemo; antioxidants; preeclampsia and vaccination; hernia ops in men

New look brain biobank
May 24, 2021

Biobanking used to be called tissue banking, and involved keeping specimens from people with certain diseases so that they can be examined under the microscope or their genome analysed - to go back to and look at old samples with new eyes or technologies.

Brain biobank
May 24, 2021

Biobanking used to be called tissue banking, and involved keeping specimens from people with certain diseases so that they can be examined under the microscope or their genome analysed - to go back to and look at old samples with new eyes or technologies.

Our oral microbiome, and our ancestors
May 24, 2021

The one thing you'd think would have changed enormously over thousands of years, really hasn't. The microbiome in our mouths is really not too different from that of our primate ancestors.

Oral microbiome
May 24, 2021

The one thing you'd think would have changed enormously over thousands of years, really hasn't. The microbiome in our mouths is really not too different from that of our primate ancestors.

Australian women and weight gain
May 24, 2021

A study has compared the weight of Australian women born in the 1970s with those born in the late 80s and early 90s. Those born later were almost 4 kgs heavier at the start of the study and gained weight at twice the rate over the same period of time as t

Spend less time sitting
May 24, 2021

The Baker Institute in Melbourne have published a review of the evidence of the toxicity of sitting for long periods, the relationship with physical inactivity in general, and the benefits of more movement throughout the day.