Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Recognising and treating depression in people with dementia
May 03, 2021

A Canadian review of the evidence on the treatment of depression in people with dementia has found that non drug treatments are often better than medications.

Health for all Australians at 2030
May 03, 2021

A supplement in today's Medical Journal of Australia looks at Australians' health in 2030, and the path to better health for all. One chapter describes the situation facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and what could radically reduce

Cannabidiol over the counter
May 03, 2021

Over the past few years there's been talk about the analgesic properties of medicinal cannabis - and particularly cannabidiol, one of the two main active components of the plant. But, a trial of cannabidiol in acute low back pain has been disappointing.

Assessing the effectiveness of paracetamol
May 03, 2021

An Australian research group has undertaken a wide study to see how effective paracetamol is for treating different types of pain.

Ongoing health of cancer survivors
April 26, 2021

A paper in last week's Medical Journal of Australia found that people who are cancer survivors are at increased risk from other conditions, particularly heart disease.

Real-life treatments for schizophrenia
April 26, 2021

People tend to think of schizophrenia as a disabling illness and a shortened life expectancy. But recovery is possible - if treatment and rehabilitation programmes know what to work on.

Multiple sclerosis, looking at new treatments
April 26, 2021

Multiple sclerosis is a disease where the immune system attacks the fatty insulation sheath around nerves. It causes a variety of potentially disabling neurological symptoms, but there's been a revolution in treatment which has changed the outcome for man

Firearms: ownership, policy, and control
April 26, 2021

On April 28, 1996 there was a shooting massacre at Port Arthur, in Tasmania. The political response of Prime Minister John Howard made Australia an example among nations as to what can be done to regulate firearms. A group of public health researchers has

Q&A: ulcer, arthritis, antipsychotics
April 19, 2021

Buruli ulcer, rhumatoid arthritis, antipsychotics and weight gain

Comparing the U.S. and Australian experiences of COVID-19
April 19, 2021

Anthony Fauci became a household name in the past year with his steady, science-based advice. Australia often compares itself to the US but our experiences of the pandemic have been very different to those of America