The Unstressed Soul

The Unstressed Soul

Latest Episodes

028: Control The Controllables
March 15, 2021

Do you ever feel like you want to control every single aspect of your life and the more you realize that you can't control things, the more frustrated it seems life is? No worries. In this video, I share with you why it's important for you to control the

027: Grab the Blessings in Times of Change
March 12, 2021

Change is a part of life, whether it’s expected or unexpected. The good thing is that we can find good in times of change.

026: Uncommon Comfort
March 10, 2021

Sometimes life gets a little uncomfortable and discouraging. When we experience times like this, it's the perfect chance for us to tap into God’s uncommon comfort. In today’s session, we unpack what uncommon comfort is and how you can live in it today.

025: Avoid Negative Self-Criticism
March 08, 2021

Self-critiquing can be helpful when done in a healthy way, but it can be damaging if we create a habit of negative self-criticism. In this session, we expose and learn how to avoid the dangers of negative self-criticism.

024: "Undo": The Reverse Mentality
February 08, 2021

Bringing real positive and productive change into our lives means that we must commit to undoing the beliefs and ideas that have held us in our current struggles. In this episode and our first session in the "UN" series, we discuss how to make that happen

023: The Goods. The Growth. The Gratitude.
November 16, 2020

Have you ever been at a point where you really want something, any goal or accomplishment, but you really didn’t feel like doing anything to get it? It’s like I want to eat, but I don’t want to cook or even drive to a restaurant. I want the amazing body,

Micropod: "Strength Is Within You"
November 13, 2020

The power of God's strength within you is greater than anything that comes at you. Release God's strength and experience unshakable peace.

022: How Your Gratitude Can Change Everything
November 11, 2020

How often do you express appreciation in life? Out of the 60,000 thoughts that rush through your mind every day, how many of them are packed with an intense amount of gratitude, appreciation, praise, and thankfulness? For most people, their daily thoughts

021: 3 Steps to Breaking Toxic Thinking
October 19, 2020

Studies show that we have somewhere around 60,000 thoughts per day! That’s a lot of thinking. The problem that most of us run into is that we are rehearsing negative, defeating, destructive, and toxic thoughts over and over, day in and day out, in our min

020: 5 Enemies of a Healthy Soul
October 14, 2020

We have all been there. You know those times when we are not being the happiest, hopeful, life speaking person. Times when we could care less about how we make some feel by our words and actions. Times when we allow unchecked negative thoughts and feeling