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Latest Episodes
S2, E27: Body + Breath Awareness Meditation for Anxiety
A short guided meditation to get out of the head and into the body.
MINDFUL MINISODE: How Loving and Trusting Your Body Heals Anxiety
In order to break free from anxiety, we have to start from a place of loving and trust our bodies with a heavy dose of self worth.
The word anxiety is tossed around these days. But what IS it? What does it feel like?
MINDFUL MINISODE: 4 Changes I Made That Saved My Mental Health and Healed My Anxiety
When I was having panic attacks everyday, these are the four changes I made in my life that helped me heal.
MINDFUL MINISODE: The Three Words That Helped Me Conquer Anxiety and Start My Business
These three words carried me through so many anxious moments and are the reason I am where I am today.
S2, E26: Detaching From External Validation, Hitting Rock Bottom and Getting Sober with Ryane Currie
The gorgeous dancer and human, Ryanne Currie, vulnerably shares her journey to sobriety and digging deep for self love.
MINDFUL MINISODE: Back to the Basics - Quick Ways to Calibrate and Balance Your System During Times of Overwhelm
When things are stressful, bring your intention and awareness back to the simple.
MINDFUL MINISODE: What are the Benefits of Breathwork and How Do I Do it?
Breaking down a few styles of breathwork and all of its beautiful benefits.
MINDFUL MINISODE: Quick Tips for Aligning With the Manifestation Vibration and Calling in What You Want
You are beyond worthy of everything you desire.
S2, E25: How to Stop Viewing Life Through The Lens of Fear
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.