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Episode 81 - Furballd Awards 2014
January 25, 2015

Isn't she loooooovely? Isn't sheeeee 2014? We're giiiving out aaawaards! So keep your eeeeaaaarballs listening!  That's right, it's the furballd awards for 2014...nearly a whole month past the deadline for these things! But who says we don't eventually d

Episode 80 - City Hunter
January 02, 2015

Ya-tah!  Furballd episode 80 scores a KO with several well placed Hadokens as we discuss the wonderfully zany movie, City Hunter.  You know the Jackie Chan clip where he hallucinates that he's in a Street Fighter game for five minutes?  Yeah, that one

Episode 79 - Christmas Movies
December 10, 2014

Twas two weeks before Christmas and all through the house, Ringo was yelling, so loud he killed a mouse. Killick had plugged in the microphone with care, while Sepko played games, since the Xbox was there. The episode of Furballd was long overdue, so its

Episode 78 - Comeback
November 17, 2014

Dear god! Where have you been, Furballd?! We've missed you so much...I think? This week, the Furballd crew return after the Uni hiatus to bring you the giggles, the squiggles and the wiggles of what's been going on during the break.  We give you guys th

Episode 77 - Representin’ The High Life
September 15, 2014

Hey everyone! Before we get into it, we have some important news.  Furballd will be taking a hiatus until the end of November so Ringo and Sepko can focus on their studies.   We also want to use this time to try and improve the podcast and come back st

Episode 76 - Rivfur Rundown
August 30, 2014

With Rivfur 2014 behind us, Killick and Sepko take some time to reflect on the fun they had at this year's Brisbane fur con.  Sadly, Ringo was not able to join in on the conversation due to uni work eating him alive. In the news, we discuss a beauty pag

Episode 75 - Rivfur 2014 Live Show
August 20, 2014

This is Furballd's live panel at Rivfur 2014, and it was a blast!  The "Best Worst Video Game Movies Game Show" was created and hosted by Sepko during the last evening of the convention.  We watched some weird videos, gave away some awesome prizes, and

Episode 74 - Grumpy Cars and Sad Ball Pits
July 25, 2014

What's this?! A Furballd episode cut short?! Who is responsible for this travesty? Whoever it is, while the Furballd crew go fire him, have a free hour in the Furball pit and check out the latest episode! Just because the episode ran short this week, doe

Episode 73 - Sequels, Fish, Butts and Cats
July 10, 2014

Butts'n'cats'butts'n'cats'nbutts-...Oh! Pardon me! I was too busy laying down a sick, beatbox jam session for Furballd 73 to notice you come in. This week, the guys are chatting about the importance of sequels and reboots in video games. Why do they exist