

Episode 78 - Comeback

November 17, 2014

Dear god! Where have you been, Furballd?! We’ve missed you so much…I think?

This week, the Furballd crew return after the Uni hiatus to bring you the giggles, the squiggles and the wiggles of what’s been going on during the break.  We give you guys the rundown of what we’ve been playing, watching and doing; while being some crazy, funny peeps at the same time.  Plus we give away some free stuff!  So listen in to know how to win.

If you have any news stories, topic suggestions or general fun stuff for us that you want read on air, send it along to furballdletters@gmail.com, or check out our Facebook and Twitter pages.  Also go to our Patreon page if you want to support us with cash-money.

It’s good to be back.  Bye for now, but not forever!

This week’s song is “Cleaning Out Axis” by Midee.  You can find the song on OCRemix here.


Here is a list of news that was sent in to us by Wolfman (dudebroguypersonmatefreind) 74:

Vagina cookies for school kids!

Red Bull gets sued for being shit!

Woman uses a potato as a cock block!

Man attempts to run across the ocean in a bubble!

Man kills friend for poking his wife on Facebook!

Boob truck causes car crashes!

Auzzie man drive a plane to a pub!