

Episode 77 - Representin’ The High Life

September 15, 2014

Hey everyone!

Before we get into it, we have some important news.  Furballd will be taking a hiatus until the end of November so Ringo and Sepko can focus on their studies.   We also want to use this time to try and improve the podcast and come back stronger and better than ever.  So if you have any suggestions or comments about how we do things, or have any topic or segment ideas, then we want to hear from you.  You can send any ideas or suggestions to furballdletters@gmail.com or post on our Facebook or Twitter pages.

This week we talk about representation of women and different sexualities in video games.  We start of by discussing the latest Anita Sarkeesian video, “Women As Background Decoration“, then move onto some studies in Queer representation that Ringo did during his degree.

In the news, we have date-rape detecting nail polish, the ACCC suing Valve over refund policies, and

Remember!  We’ll be gone for a while, but back in November, hopefully better than ever.

Bye for now, but not forever!

This week’s song is “Devastation’s Duel” by Fishy and Sole Signal.  You can find the song here on OCRemix.