

Episode 79 - Christmas Movies

December 10, 2014

Twas two weeks before Christmas and all through the house, Ringo was yelling, so loud he killed a mouse. Killick had plugged in the microphone with care, while Sepko played games, since the Xbox was there. The episode of Furballd was long overdue, so its now time to sit down with this podcasting crew. This time they would talk about movies filled with Christmas cheer, which Ringo filled with sex, dicks and dildo jokes. Oh dear.

This week’s song is “Food Frenzy” by GaMetal.  You can find the song on OCRemix here.

Xander’s Japanese Panda News!

Stephen Colbert’s take on the new lightsaber design!

The Star Wars VII George Lucas special edition trailer!

Saving Christmas trailer!

Bye for now, but not forever!