Latest Episodes

Episode 437 – The 4 Weight Loss Coaching Myths (and what you should do instead)
May 24, 2022

Even after being in the nutrition & health coaching industry for 15 years, we STILL hear the same buzz words, tactics and beliefs thrown around when it comes to weight loss. They are like urban le

Episode 436 – The #1 Coaching Tool to Crushing Cravings
May 17, 2022

Holistic Weight Loss Coach Week is in full swing and this class was SOOOO good we had to put in on the podcast as well!  In this special episode, you will learn our #1 coaching tool to use with client

Episode 435 – Sleep, Stress & Self Care: The 3 Most Overlooked Areas of Fat Loss
May 10, 2022

When trying to reach your fitness or weight loss goals, we tend to think about what we eat and how much we move.  But what if we told you that the most important things to effectively transformin

Episode 434 – Holistic Weight Loss Coaching Tool:  Building Weight Loss Approved Green Smoothies
May 03, 2022

In holistic weight loss coaching there is a HUGE difference between giving your client a plan and them ACTUALLY following it.  The most effective nutrition & weight loss coaches know how to t

Episode 433 – The 5 C’s of Becoming a Successful Weight Loss Coach
May 03, 2022

Wonder what it takes to be a successful weight loss coach in today’s world? In order to get your clients transformation results, start or grow your business or uplevel yourself as coach, it is really

Episode 432 – Are you Sabotaging your Client’s Weight Loss Results?
April 19, 2022

As fitness and health coaches, the #1 result clients want is weight loss but are you helping them or hindering them? In this episode, Head Chick Laura takes you through the 6 blindspots that most coac

Episode 431 – Holistic Weight Loss Coaching
April 12, 2022

Why is holistic weight loss coaching so different than what we have been taught about weight loss and more importantly, why is it so effective?  In this episode, we dive into the key differences

Episode 430 – The Life Lessons That Movement Has Taught Me
April 05, 2022

Fitness for me, has always been about the way my body felt, the way it made me feel in my own skin and the way it made me feel energetically. After looking back at my own journey of fitness and how it

Episode 429 – Starting a Fitness Business with your BFF
March 29, 2022

Do you ever wonder what it is like to create a business with your BFF? As many of you know, Laura and Amanda have been BFFs since grade 9 and started FIT CHICKS Academy business in 2008. Today on the

Episode 428 – The #1 Thing To Help You Stand Out As a Fitness Coach In Any Market
March 22, 2022

Today on the podcast, we are sharing the one thing you need to stand out as a coach in any market. One of the biggest fears we hear over and over in this industry is, how will I stand out in a saturat