Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Cult of the Dead Cow
August 07, 2023

In the early 1980s, personal computers started entering our homes. Prior to the internet and services like America On Line (AOL), there were online bulletin board systems (BBS) where people could shar

Less is More
July 31, 2023

Last time, I told you how to enumerate all the devices on your home network. Before we go to the trouble of analyzing and mitigating their vulnerabilities, we should take the opportunity to cull the i

The Politics of Privacy
July 24, 2023

Despite growing demand from US citizens for privacy protections, the federal government has failed repeatedly to enact basic privacy laws. However, one US state - California - has led the charge on pr

IoT Inventory
July 17, 2023

The Internet of Things (IoT) has added internet connections to lots of home devices. Each and every one of those devices runs software on a computer chip. Almost all software has bugs and those bugs m

National Cyber Strategy
July 10, 2023

After lengthy negotiations and revisions, the White House has finally released its National Cybersecurity Strategy document, outlining it's priorities and goals. It's a wide-ranging and ambitious docu

Access Backup Plan
July 03, 2023

You're using a password manager. You're even using two-factor authentication. Great! When done properly, this will keep the bad guys out. Unfortunately, if you're not careful, it may also keep you out

Hacking in Space
June 26, 2023

Right now there are thousands of satellites orbiting above our heads performing crucial tasks. At the end of the day, they're just computers running software - albeit at thousands of miles up and thou

Go Forth, Do Good Deeds
June 19, 2023

I launched my mission to improve peoples privacy and security almost ten years ago now. Its been quite a journey and Ive learned a lot in that time. One thing Ive realized is that theres only so

Making a Difference
June 12, 2023

At some point, when you care enough about a particular cause, you shift from following the issue to actually trying to advance the issue - to make a difference. The easiest way to do this is to find g

Blocking .zip Domains
June 05, 2023

Two weeks ago, I told you about the availability of two new top-level domains that also happen to be popular file name extensions: .zip and .mov. The ambiguity will undoubtedly be exploited by ne'er-d
