Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Building Trust with Privacy
October 31, 2022

It's easy to tell people to use this or that privacy tool, but this always assumes that you trust the service that is providing that tool. How can mere mortals ever hope to obtain sufficient knowledge

Your TV is Watching You
October 24, 2022

This is going to sound bonkers, even though you're used to so many things tracking you... web pages, emails, and apps... but I'm here to tell you that while you're watching your TV, your TV is also wa

Protecting Schools and Students
October 17, 2022

We talk a lot about security and privacy on my show, but we don't talk enough about these subjects in relation to students and schools. Schools are tragically underfunded and can't afford to hire cybe

Mobile Payment Fraud
October 10, 2022

Cold hard cash is becoming more and more rare these days. People just don't carry it around much any more. So how do you split a bill at a restaurant or buy from a street vendor? Many people today use

Capture the Flag for Fun & Profit
October 03, 2022

Cybersecurity is the only technical, professional occupation I know of where practitioners routinely sharpen their skills through open competitions. The contests are based on the classic capture the f

iOS 16 Security & Privacy Features
September 26, 2022

Apple just released a major update to its iPhone operating system, iOS 16. This release has some really important security and privacy features, including Passkeys, Lockdown Mode and Safety Check. Il

Tornado Warning for Free Speech
September 19, 2022

You may not be into cryptocurrency, but a recent incident involving a so-called "cryptocurrency mixer" has some important implications for privacy and free speech. Today we'll examine the relative ano

Decoding Computers & Software
September 12, 2022

A little over 20 years ago, Charles Petzold wrote what would become a classic book on understanding modern computers and the software that drives them. Computers have become essential to daily life an

LastPass Source Code Breach
September 05, 2022

Password manager software maker LastPass suffered a data breach last week, which understandably made their customers very nervous - and caused some people to question the decision to put all their pas

The Night the Lights Went Out in Vegas
August 29, 2022

Thirty years ago, a young hacker named Jeff Moss (aka The Dark Tangent) threw a party in the desert of Nevada to commemorate the demise of a bulletin board system called PlatinumNet. Unlike the other
