Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Peppering Your Passwords
June 13, 2022

I preach about using password managers constantly - because they really are a fantastic tool for increasing your security. Humans suck at creating memorable passwords that are not also easy to guess.

Cryptocurrency 101
June 06, 2022

Everyone has heard of Bitcoin, but almost no one understands what the heck is actually is. Today I'm interviewing Seth from Seth for Privacy who knows cryptocurrency backwards and forwards. Seth is al

Emergency Mode
May 30, 2022

Modern smartphones have a potentially life-saving feature called "SOS" or "Emergency" mode that can give first responders critical medical information and automatically dial your country's emergency p

Tomatoes & Telegraphs
May 23, 2022

There's a lot we can glean from history but sometimes it's not as obvious as you might think. For example, did you know that until the mid-1800's, most of Americans hated tomatoes and that ketchup was

Global Privacy Control
May 16, 2022

When we surf the web today - on our computers or smartphones - we are mercilessly tracked. Marketing firms and data brokers are hoovering up ungodly amounts of our personal data, selling it, trading i

How to Stop Tracking & Stalking
May 09, 2022

We are being tracked constantly by our cell phones. We willingly carry supercomputers in our pockets 24/7, and these devices are chock full of sensors and radios that are tattling on us. Sometimes on

What is the Most Private Browser?
May 02, 2022

Security isn't a big differentiator today when choosing a web browser. First of all, 3 of the top 5 browsers all use the same engine - Chrome, Edge and Opera are all based on Chromium. Second, there's

Private from Everyone (But Us)
April 25, 2022

Google and Facebook will swear up and down that they do not sell your data. While technically true, they do sell access to your data. Basically, your data is private from everyone - but them. And that

Demystifying VPNs
April 18, 2022

When people don't understand how something works, it can be easy to be afraid of the consequences of that thing not working right. And this also makes them ripe targets for being frightened by huckste

Luck Favors the Prepared
April 11, 2022

Today, most of us take the internet - and access to the internet - for granted. It's ubiquitous. However, the current war in Ukraine has (hopefully) made us realize that things can change dramatically
