Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Your Money or Your Data (part 1)
July 13, 2020

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that ransomware is one of the most common and most lucrative cybersecurity rackets today. But despite all the press, ransomware is massively under-reported because companies don't want bad press.

TikTok Boom
July 06, 2020

TikTok is the hot new social media service (Snapchat and Instragram are so last year), particularly in Asian countries like India. But India just banned this and several other apps from China over privacy concerns - and I have a feeling they won't be t...

COVID19 Privacy: Pro Tips (part 2)
June 29, 2020

In the second half of my interview with Eduard Goodman and Adam Levin from Cyberscout, we discuss the privacy aspects of our new work- and learn-from-home reality. How much privacy should you really expect? What are your legal rights?

COVID19 Security: Pro Tips (part 1)
June 22, 2020

Today I speak with not one but two experts on security and privacy to get their insights, stories and tips on staying safe from scammers and hackers in our new COVID19 pandemic reality. These guys have dealing with cyber incidents every day and bring s...

From Mailbox to Ballot Box
June 15, 2020

With the US general election just over 20 weeks away and no vaccine in sight for the coronavirus, it's time to think very seriously about how you're going to vote. Even if you think you want to vote in person this November,

Fiber For Our Future (part 2)
June 08, 2020

We've established that we have a high speed internet access problem - now what can we do about it? In part 2 of my interview with the EFF's Ernesto Falcon, we'll talk about how broadband fiber-based internet is a critical piece of national infrastructu...

Fiber For Our Future (part 1)
June 01, 2020

The COVID-19 era has exposed several weaknesses in American infrastructure and exacerbated the gulf between the haves and the have-nots. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than the digital divide: access to high speed internet.

Apple vs FBI, Part 2
May 25, 2020

The FBI is once again trash-talking Apple for not helping them in their investigation of a terrorist - this time, the alleged perpetrator of the Pensacola shooting. However, like the San Bernardino shooting a few years ago,

Beware the Evil Maid
May 18, 2020

Intel created the Thunderbolt protocol to give us blazingly fast data transfer and other interesting features. Thunderbolt usually comes with the newer USB-C ports, common on laptops, especially Macbooks. Unfortunately,

COVID19 Security & Privacy Tips (Part 2)
May 11, 2020

In part two of my interview with Malwarebyte's David Ruiz, he tells us how to avoid the scams we discussed last week. And then we move on to discuss the potentially serious privacy issues that could come from the emerging surveillance regimes,
