Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Hunting for Stingrays (Part 1)
April 19, 2021

The single easiest way to track someone today is using their cell phone. We have them with us at all times and in order for them to work, they must be tracked by the cell phone network. When law enforcement wants to identify people at a protest or hang...

Trust No One
April 12, 2021

Lots of news to cover today... and to me the common thread seems to be a lack of proper security and privacy. So the theme today is "trust no one". And the idea there isn't really personal trust, but computer trust, algorithm trust, procedural trust.

Social Media is Ruining Society
April 05, 2021

There are many business models and businesses that we curtail because they can be dangerous to people or democracy or society. Even rights enshrined in the US Constitution have reasonable limits. Now that it's become evident how engagement-optimized an...

Stop Using SMS for 2FA
March 29, 2021

Passwords suck and humans aren't good at using them. Password managers can help a lot, but to truly improve your account security these days, you need to add defense in depth. The easiest way to do that today is to enable two-factor authentication,

Computers Interviewing Humans (Part 2)
March 22, 2021

Given that we're using computer algorithms to evaluate humans, can these systems be gamed or fooled? And is it possible that computers are less biased that humans? On any given day, humans can be distracted, tired,

Computers Interviewing Humans (Part 1)
March 15, 2021

Convincing a human to hire you is hard enough. Can you imagine trying to convince a computer? Artificial intelligence is now being used to automate the screening of job candidates, evaluating cognitive ability, vocabulary,

Last Straw for LastPass
March 08, 2021

Ep210. I've recommended LastPass for years - since I wrote my book and every day since. Until now. There are several good (secure and private) password managers out there. But LastPass was the full package: a free tier that had all the functionality mo...

Tech Learning Collective (Part 2)
March 01, 2021

In the second half of my interview with the Tech Learning Collective, we delve into their course curriculum a bit, and then discuss why they teach what they teach and how they approach these topics in a unique and meaningful way.

Tech Learning Collective (Part 1)
February 22, 2021

I first learned of the Tech Learning Collective at a privacy conference in late 2020. I struck up a conversation with one of its representatives and ended up taking one of their wonderful workshops in January.

Not Just a Face in the Crowd
February 15, 2021

Ep207. Clearview AI - the company that has hoovered up every face it can find on the internet to create a creepy person identifying app - is back in the news. Canada and the EU have decided that Clearview has gone too far and needs to allow its users t...
