Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Best & Worst Gifts Guide 2020
November 30, 2020

Looking for fun gifts that won't also be gifts to hackers and data miners? In today's show, I'll list off the top products and services from my annual Naughty & Nice gifts guide! Every year, I review several popular gifts and give you my recommendation...

Dark Patterns (Part 2)
November 23, 2020

So, what can we do about these dark patterns? Are there technical solutions to this problem? Or will this require regulations? Or perhaps we just need to train our engineers and consumers better? In part 2 of my interview with Dr.

Dark Patterns (Part 1)
November 16, 2020

Are you tired of being pestered to allow notifications or access to your location? Do you wonder why you have to give your credit card number in order to sign up for "free" trials? Why weren't you told about the shipping costs until the very last scree...

Zoom: Now with Actual Privacy
November 09, 2020

Zoom went from an obscure teleconferencing company to a household word when the pandemic hit. Zoom wasn’t the best videoconferencing app by any means. But it was dead simple to use and kinda fun to say. For better or worse,

The Ebb & Flow of the Internet
November 02, 2020

For better or for worse, the internet today is funded by advertising. While ads can be annoying, the real issue isn't having to watch ads - it's when then ads watch us. AdTech today is premised on invasive personal data collection.

Big Proctor is Watching You (part 2)
October 26, 2020

In the second half of my interview with the EFF’s Lindsay Oliver and Jason Kelley, we talk about how these draconian surveillance systems put several students at a distinct disadvantage and how the teacher themselves feel about all of this.

Big Proctor is Watching You (part 1)
October 19, 2020

In this time of COVID19, we've all had to learn to work and learn from home. But how do our bosses know we're not screwing around instead of working? How do our teachers know we're not cheating? It turns out that they're both willing to go to extremely...

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October 12, 2020

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! The theme this year is: if you connect it, protect it! And given how popular IoT devices are these days, and also how horrid their security usually is, this advice has never been more important.

Apple’s Epic Battle Royale (Part 2)
October 05, 2020

What do Apple, Tyson Foods and Worldwide Wrestling (WWE) all have in common? And what is "chickenization"? In part 2 of my interview with Cory Doctorow, he explains how some markets in the US economy are completely distorted by dominant sellers as well...

Apple’s Epic Battle Royale (Part 1)
September 28, 2020

Apple and Epic Games are locked in an epic legal (and PR) battle that may determine the future of the App Store, the Google Play Store, and several other game distribution networks. At the heart of this debate is the disproportionate influence the app ...
