Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Free Speech & Deplatforming
February 08, 2021

Episode 206. The social media events around the January 6th storming of the US Capitol have sparked raging, divisive debates in the US. But the banning of individuals and the deplatforming of apps and groups are not new phenomenons.

Stop Watching Me!
February 01, 2021

Tracking and data mining has gotten way out of hand. We're not only being tracked online, we're now being tracked around the real world, too. We're truly living in a panopticon - and it's not good for us as individuals or as a democratic society.

De-Googling Your Life
January 25, 2021

We all love to beat up on Facebook over user privacy, but the real granddaddy of them all is Google. Google is everywhere. And they almost surely know way more about you than any other company on the planet.

Choosing a Private Email Service (Part 2)
January 18, 2021

So I want to switch to a new, privacy-respecting email service. How do I even do that? What happens to all the email I have now? What about my calendar and contacts? Am I going to have to change my email address every time I change email providers?

Choosing a Private Email Service (Part 1)
January 11, 2021

What could I learn about you if I read all your emails? Like, all of them. Since you started sending email. Beyond private conversations, I would also likely know every web site you have a relationship or account with,

The Great SolarWinds Hack
January 04, 2021

The Russian SVR has had backdoor access to hundreds if not thousands of government and corporate networks for nearly nine months. And if not for private security firm FireEye, we might never have known. The SolarWinds supply chain hack may be the bigge...

200th Podcast & New Year’s 2021!
December 28, 2020

The dumpster fire that was 2020 is almost behind us, and it's time to look forward to a brighter future in 2021! By a stroke of fortuitous coincidence, this is also my 200th podcast! To celebrate these two important milestones,

Best of 2020!
December 21, 2020

I've painstakingly scoured the last 50 episodes to select the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the top tips for the year 2020! If you're already a subscriber, this will be a great refresher - and maybe give you a chance to do some of those thin...

Setting the Digital Standard (Part 2)
December 14, 2020

One today's show, Ben Moskowitz from Consumer Reports will tell us about an extremely useful tool they've created to help you improve your personal security and privacy, customized to your particular needs, called the Security Scanner.

Setting the Digital Standard (Part 1)
December 07, 2020

Are consumers really concerned about security and privacy in the products they buy? And if so, how could manufacturers capitalize on these attributes to sell more of their products? Consumer Reports has recently published an important,
