Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Privacy Matters
September 06, 2021

For many people, privacy is just a vague concept. But it can literally be a matter of life and death. It deserves your attention, your consideration and (crucially) your support. Technology has vastly

Morpheus: Securing CPUs with Entropy
August 30, 2021

Computers are supposed to be completely predictable. When you tell it to do something, it should do exactly that - over and over again, if necessary - in the same way, with the same result. This is th

Beware the Four Horsemen
August 23, 2021

How far would you go to protect your children from sexual predators? How much privacy would you give up to try to prevent the sharing of child pornography? We are now faced squarely with those questio

On a Dark Tangent
August 16, 2021

Are hackers born or are they made? What is the essence of a true hacker? Today I explore these topics and more with the founder of both DEFCON and Black Hat, Jeff Moss - also known as The Dark Tangent

Understanding Hackers & Hacking
August 11, 2021

What is a hacker, exactly? What does it mean to hack something? With all the ransomware attacks and election meddling in the headlines, it's easy to paint all hackers with a broad brush as malicious,

Selling You Out to the Highest Bidder
August 02, 2021

Every time you load a web page, your personal data is being shared with thousands of companies. The ad spaces on the page are being auctioned off to the highest bidder in fractions of a second. The Ir

Guard Your Digital Rolodex
July 26, 2021

Your phone number is arguably as strong a personal identifier as your social security number, passport number or email address. These are things we almost never change any more - meaning that it's an

It’s Time to Drop the SBOM
July 19, 2021

The first step to solving any problem is gathering as much information as you can. Unfortunately, today we're basically flying blind when it comes to identifying and resolving latent software bugs in

How to Keep Ransomware at Bay
July 12, 2021

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the bad guys say "hold my beer". The REvil gang has managed to pull off what appears to be the biggest ransomware infection ever through a clever supply ch

Make That Shaken AND Stirred
July 05, 2021

Robocalls are the bane of my existence. I get so many spam calls that I've just stopped answering my home phone altogether. I've given out my cell number to fewer people, so thankfully I get fewer jun
