FearCast Podcast

FearCast Podcast

Latest Episodes

#146- Struggling To Find Good Resources And Help, And Does Christianity Cause OCD?
June 12, 2023

For todays episode, I answered two questions from one person! This listener wanted to know two things. First, where can they find good resources for therapy? Theyve tried therapist (too expensive).

#145- Feared Outcome Actually Keeps Happening, And I Can’t Stop Staring At People’s Privates
June 05, 2023

Todays question is another audio question plus a bonus question from an email! The first question comes from a listener who wants to know what the right ERP method would be to address a situation in

#144- Anxiety Without Intrusive Thought, Intermittent Numbness, And Telling A Partner About OCD
May 29, 2023

This weeks audio question comes from William. While his question is centered around ROCD, the topics are relevant to anyone with OCD or an anxiety disorder. He struggles with knowing what to do when

#143- ROCD, Fixating On A Partner’s Specific Body Part, Or Simple Attraction?
May 22, 2023

On Todays episode, I get another audio question about ROCD. The questioner shares that they are starting to think they have ROCD because of their fixation over their partners hair and that it is dif

#142- Disgust-Based OCD And Evolving Treatment Methods With Rich Gallagher, MFT
May 08, 2023

For todays episode, I interview Rich Gallagher, MFT, about his recent article the IOCDF news letter about Disgust-Based OCD. His article offers an overview of what Disgust-Based obsessions are and ho

#141-Activities Becoming Triggers and Habituating to Breathing In Sensorimotor OCD
May 01, 2023

Todays audio question comes from Roger. Hes having a unique situation where his sensorimotor obsessions are becoming associated with activities he likes, which then trigger his obsession/ compulsion

#140- For ROCD, What Should I Treat As OCD And What Should I Treat As Relationship Issues?
April 24, 2023

This weeks audio question comes in as a complex one. For someone experiencing ROCD, which issues should the listener treat as OCD issues, and which should they treat as relationship issues? Should th

#139- SO-OCD Has Nothing To Do With Your Sexuality, and Dealing With The Uncertainty
April 16, 2023

For todays question, I answer an audio question sent in through Instagram. The listener asks what they can do about their SO-OCD that keeps screaming that she is a lesbian even though she identifies

#138- How To Help Your Family Member Who Has OCD
April 02, 2023

Today I answer a question from a listener who has a question about how they can help their wife deal with their ROCD. Along with answering their question, I expand out a little to discuss how someone

#137- Avoidant/ Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Megan Faye, PsyD
March 27, 2023

For todays episode, I was joined by Dr. Megan Faye, PsyD, to discuss Avoidant/ Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. This is a disorder that falls in the Venn diagram between disordered eating, sensory i